View the Resource and Role Histograms and Spreadsheets

The histograms and spreadsheets on the Activities page enable you to view time-phased unit and cost data for the resources and roles assigned to activities in your project. Select resources or roles from the tree in the Project Usage detail window to display their data in the histogram or spreadsheet. The Not Stacked Histogram shows aggregated planned, actual, and remaining values. You can also enable max availability and overallocation indicators in the settings. The Stacked Histogram shows at completion values. It can also be set to stack by a specific resource/role code. The spreadsheet can be configured to display a variety of incremental and cumulative field data. The resource and role histograms and spreadsheets can only be viewed from the current schedule.

To view the resource or role histogram or spreadsheet:

  1. Navigate to the Activities page
  2. On the Activities page,open the Current Schedule.
  3. Select the Layout menu, and then select Project Usage.

    Note: At the program level, this option is named Program Usage.

  4. In the detail window, select the Resource Usage or Role Usage tab.
  5. Before viewing your resource or role usage data, configure the usage settings to ensure the appropriate information is displayed, such as units or costs, bars and curves, legend details, and spreadsheet formatting.
  6. Select one or more resources or roles from the tree whose data you want to display.
  7. To limit the display of activities in the activities table, in the dropdown list in the detail window toolbar, select one of the following:
    • Show all activities above: Show all activities regardless of the current resource or role selections. This does not include activities hidden by filters.
    • Show activities for selected time period: Only show activities whose dates fall within the time period configured in the From: and To: date fields displayed in the detail window toolbar.
    • Show activities for selected resources: Only show activities that have assignments for any of the selected resources or roles.
  8. In the detail window toolbar, select Not Stacked Histogram or Stacked Histogram to switch between histogram views. Select Spreadsheet to view the spreadsheet data for your selection.
  9. In a histogram, hover over a bar or curve to view its details.

    In the spreadsheet, unit or cost values are rolled up for each resource or role and broken down by individual activity assignments.

  10. With units displayed in a histogram or spreadsheet, select the FTE toggle to show the selected resource or role units as FTE values. When FTE is enabled, axis labels and units are updated to show FTE values as configured to your view preferences. Overallocation bars and max availability lines are hidden when FTE is enabled. Disable the option to show the FTE values as time units. Cost values are not affected by the FTE toggle.
