Resource and Role Usage Overview

The Activities page provides time-phased views of resource and role usage for the activities in your project in the form of histograms and spreadsheets. These can be configured to show resource and role unit and cost data across the timeline of the project.

Resource and role data is displayed in separate tabs in the Project Usage detail window. Each tab supports a tree to select resources or roles and three distinct views to display their data:

The histograms and spreadsheets display the usage of activity assignments in your current schedule. Usage data in an open baseline or schedule scenario is not reflected. At the program level, view resource and role usage for activities in each of the projects within the program.

Understanding FTE Values

Full-time equivalent (FTE) represents the number of full-time employees needed to complete the work in a time period that is most useful to your team. This can be a daily time period, or you can set non-daily time periods, such as months, or years, according to project calendar settings. Planning units using FTE values makes it easy to compare work requirements across time intervals with different durations (such as months) and manage multiple roles that may all have different calendar availabilities. Users can manually set the calculation value, and display a custom label beside the value. Customizing FTE in this way can help when reviewing work requirements across different time intervals, which is especially useful during the bidding phase for a project.

On the Resource or Role Usage Charts, you can toggle on FTE to view the resource or role units in FTE (your organization might refer to this as "man-days"). The working hours/time period represented in the FTE values are determined by the calendar associated to the resources or role assignments. The timescale used for FTE calculations honors the timescale selection made for the Gantt chart and the usage histograms.

FTE settings honor project calendar settings. For example, FTE for one week will be 1 to represent 40 hours when set to a weekly timescale, or it would be 1 to represent 160 hours when set to a monthly timescale.

Use the following guidelines to fill in the FTE value:

If the work can be done by part time employees or full time employees working less than the number of hours expected for the time period, you can enter the FTE in decimals to indicate the percentage of the time period that needs to be worked. For example, if you only need a part time employee working half of the hours expected for the time period, you can enter an FTE of 0.5. Or, for example, if the role needs to be done by a full time employee working full time and an additional part time employee working half of the hours, then you can enter an FTE of 1.5.