Withdraw Approval of a Commitment

If you have the required security privileges, you can withdraw approval of commitments. This sets their status back to draft, which allows users to make changes and resubmit them.

You can only withdraw approval of a commitments before change orders or payment applications are created against it.

To withdraw approval of an approved commitment:

  1. In the object selector, select Project, select View Projects List, and then select a project name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Contracts and Commitments, and then select Commitments.
  3. In the table, select the commitment you want to withdraw.
  4. In the Actions menu, select Withdraw Approval.

    In the Withdraw Approval dialog box, in the Notify Users field, select all users that you want to be notified.

  5. In the Comment field, enter any information that you want to send to the users you selected in the previous step.
  6. Select Withdraw Approval.