Configure the Assignment Settings Dialog Preference

Resources and roles both support Units/Time values to indicate work availability and Price/Unit values to indicate pay rate. On any activity, whenever a role assignment is staffed with a resource or an existing resource assignment is replaced with a different resource, you must choose whether to use the current assignment's Units/Time and Price/Unit values or use the values of the new resource. Options for each value can be chosen from the Assignment Settings dialog box on the Activities page, but you can configure default selections on the Preferences page.

The option for choosing a specific assignment's Units/Time value occurs when you select a resource to staff a role assignment or you replace a current resource assignment with a different resource. The current resource may be assigned with or without an associated role. Depending on your preference, the assignment will use the new resource's Units/Time value or the current assignment's Units/Time value, or you will be prompted to choose.

An assignment's Price/Unit value is determined by the assignment Rate Source and the Rate Type associated with the Rate Source. The option for using a specific assignment's Rate Source and Price/Unit value occurs when you select a resource to staff a role assignment or replace the current resource on an assignment that is already staffed. Depending on your preference, the assignment will use the new resource's Price/Unit value and set the Rate Source value to Resource, use the current assignment's Rate Source value and set the Price/Unit value according to the rate source, or you will be prompted to choose. You will only be prompted to choose if the assignment's current Rate Source value is Role or Override. If the assignment's Rate Source value is set to Resource, and your preference is to be prompted, then the Price/Unit value will be set to the new resource's value, but you will not be prompted to choose.

If either option is set to prompt you for a selection, you can choose to not be asked again and make the current choice your new default option. If both options are set to prompt you for a selection, a single dialog box will contain both prompts. Your preference settings can be changed again at any time from the Preferences page. Changes to your preferences will only affect assignments updated after the changes were made.

To configure the Assignment Settings dialog preferences:

  1. Navigate to the Preferences page
  2. On the Preferences page, select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Resources section, configure the following options:
    • When assigning a resource to existing activity assignment:
      • Use new resource's Units/Time: The new resource's Units/Time value will be applied to the assignment.
      • Use current assignment's Units/Time: The current assignment's Units/Time value will stay the same.
      • Ask: You will be prompted to either apply the new resource's Units/Time value or keep the current assignment's Units/Time value.
    • When a resource and role share an activity assignment:
      • Use new resource's Rate Source and Price/Unit: The new resource's Price/Unit value will be applied to the assignment and the Rate Source will be changed to Resource.
      • Use current assignment's Rate Source and Price/Unit: If the Rate Source is Role or Override, the current assignment's Price/Unit value will stay the same. If the Rate Source is Resource, the Rate Source will remain Resource, but the Price/Unit value will change to the new resource's value.
      • Ask: You will be prompted to either apply the new resource's Rate Source and Price/Unit values or keep the current assignment's Rate Source and Price/Unit values. If the Rate Source is set to Resource, you will not be prompted.
  4. Select Save.