Set the Percent Complete Weight Method for a Work Package

Setting the Percent Complete Weight Method enables you to determine how the Scope Percent Complete is calculated for the work package. It determines whether it will be weighted by the work package's scope assignment quantity, hours, cost, or by manual input.

To set the percent complete weight method:

  1. In the object selector, select Project, select View Projects List, and then select a project name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Scope, and then select Work Packages.
  3. In the table, select the work package.
  4. Select the General detail window.
  5. Select the Scope Percent Complete Weight Method.

    The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values. Cost, Quantity, and Hours are represented as n in the equations that follow.

    The n weight is first calculated for each scope assignment in the work package as Revised n multiplied by the scope assignment Scope Percent Complete.

    Scope Percent Complete is calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

    The sum of the scope assignments Revised n and the sum of the scope assignments n Weight for all scope assignments in the work package are then used to compute the work package Scope Percent Complete. This is calculated as the n Weight divided by Revised n.

    Completed Weight for the Manual option is calculated as Manual Weight multiplied by Scope Percent Complete.

    Scope Percent Complete at the work package level for the manual option is calculated as the sum of Manual Completed Weight divided by the sum of Manual Weight for all scope assignments in the work package.

  6. Select Save.