Add a Location

Create locations to assign to projects, resources, or risks so that you can report, search, and filter by location.

To create a location:

  1. Navigate to the Locations dictionary page
  2. On the Locations page, select Add.
  3. In the Add Location dialog box:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the new location.
    2. In the ID field, enter a unique identifier for the location.
    3. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the location
    4. Enter either a street address or the latitude and longitude.


      • Input longitude and latitude in the format that is appropriate for your geolocation service. Enter longitude and latitude in decimal degrees or directional designators.
      • Select a country when locating using longitude and latitude to improve results.
    5. Select Locate.
    6. Select Add.
  4. Select Save.


This setting is used in the following apps:

Cost and Funds
Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment