Data Dictionary

This data dictionary defines fields used in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Some data dictionary terms contain a set of parentheses. In these parentheses are specific terms used to set the context for the rest of the definition. For example, Schedule Percent Complete (Activity) defines the activity level Schedule Percent Complete value while Schedule Percent Complete (Schedule) defines the value at the project level grouping band.

% Complete (Payment Application)

The percentage of the total amount of money budgeted in the contract.

% Retained (Payment Application)

Retainage percentage. This is the percentage of the payment that is to be withheld until all work on the contract is complete.

(Pre-Response Risk Removal Pessimistic) Cost Impact (Risk Analysis)

The cost difference between the Pre-Response and Post-Response remaining cost values.

(Pre-Response Risk Removal Pessimistic) Finish Impact (Risk Analysis)

The duration difference between the pre-response and post-response pessimistic finish dates.

Accepted By (Potential Change Order)

The user who accepted a reply to the question.

Action (Contract)

The action that changed the status of the record.

Action (Contracts and Commitments Change)

The action that changed the status of the record.

Activity Count (Project)

The total number of activities in the project.

Activity Percent Complete (Activity)

The percentage of the activity that has been completed.

This value is based on the formula for the selected Percent Complete Type. The Percent Complete Type can be Physical, Duration, Units, or Scope.

Physical: The user records the percent complete manually.

Duration: Calculated as (Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration) divided by Planned Duration, multiplied by 100.

Units: Calculated as (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units) divided by (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Labor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units), multiplied by 100.

Scope: Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity, multiplied by 100.

Activity Percent Complete (Work Package)

The percentage complete for all activities assigned to the work package.

Activity Weight Method (Work Package)

The method used to calculate Activity Percent Complete. Methods are Duration, Labor Units, Non Labor Units, and Manual.

Duration: Planned Duration, also known as Original Duration, is used for Weight.

Labor Units: At Completion Labor Units is used for Weight.

Non Labor Units: At Completion NonLabor Units is used for Weight.

Manual: Weight is added manually.

Actual Cost - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The project actual cost at the time the risk analysis as run.

Actual Cost (Activity Assignment)

The actual cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Actual Cost (Risk Analysis)

The activity actual cost at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Cost from P6 (Project Budget)

Total costs accrued on a project within a given time period.

The Actual Cost data for the project's life cycle is pulled from the P6 EPPM schedule.

Actual Cost data is only available when the application is connected with P6 EPPM and is not editable. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Actual Cost Impact (Risk)

The actual cost impact due to the risk occurring.

Actual Cost to Date (Scope Assignment)

The actual costs incurred on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

Actual Cost to Date (Work Package)

The actual costs incurred on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Actual Duration (Activity Assignment)

The total working time from the assignment actual start date to the actual finish date for completed assignments, or the total working time from the actual start date to the data date for in-progress assignments.

Actual Duration (Activity)

The total working time from the activity Actual Start date to the Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities.

The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.

Actual Duration (Project)

The Actual Duration represents the total working time between the project Actual Start and Actual Finish for a project.

This value can be imported. The Actual Duration field is not editable.

Actual Duration (Risk Analysis)

The project actual duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

The activity actual duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Duration (Risk Analysis)

The activity actual duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Effective Date (Program)

The month in which an actuals value was last added to the program

Actual Finish (Activity Assignment)

The date on which the assignment was completed.

Actual Finish (Activity)

The date when the activity was completed.

Actual Finish (Program)

The Actual Finish displays the date on which a program is considered complete.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Actual Finish (Project)

The Actual Finish displays the date on which a project is considered complete.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Actual Finish (Risk Analysis)

The activity actual finish at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Finish Date (Risk Analysis)

The project actual finish date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Hours to Date (Scope Assignment)

The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

Actual Hours to Date (Work Package)

The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Actual Labor Cost (Activity)

The actual costs for all labor resource assignments on the activity.

Actual Labor Units (Activity)

The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

Actual Material Cost (Activity)

The actual costs for all material resource assignments on the activity.

Actual Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The actual costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity.

Actual Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The number of nonlabor units that have been expended on the activity.

Actual Over Time Units (Activity Assignment)

The actual overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.

Actual Quantity to Date (Scope Assignment)

The Installed Quantity for the scope assignment.

Actual Quantity to Date (Scope Item)

The total amount of the scope item installed.

Calculated as the sum of Installed Quantity for all scope assignments.

Actual Risk Response (Cost Sheet)

The actual cost of responding to a risk.

Actual Schedule Impact (Risk)

The actual schedule impact due to the risk occurring.

Actual Start (Activity Assignment)

If the activity has started, the date work began on the activity.

Actual Start (Activity)

The date work on the activity began.

Actual Start (Program)

The Actual Start indicates the date work on the program began.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Actual Start (Project)

The Actual Start indicates the date work on the project began.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Actual Start (Risk Analysis)

The activity actual start at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual Start Date (Risk Analysis)

The project actual start date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Actual This Period Cost (Activity Assignment)

The labor, nonlabor, and material costs incurred during the current financial period.

Actual This Period Cost (Activity)

The labor, nonlabor, and material costs incurred during the current financial period.

Actual This Period Units (Activity Assignment)

The labor, nonlabor, and material units used during the current financial period.

Actual This Period Units (Activity)

The labor, nonlabor, and material units used during the current financial period.

Actual Total Cost (Activity)

The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.

Actual Units (Activity Assignment)

The sum of the actual non-overtime and the overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.

The units of work performed by the resource on the activity.

Actual Units (Activity Assignment)

The units of work performed by the resource on the activity.

Actuals (Present Value) (Program Budget)

The present value, also known as discounted value, of the overall program actuals. Future cash flows are discounted using the program's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a program's expected cash flow as a metric during program prioritization and selection.

Actuals (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as discounted value, of the overall project actuals. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric during project prioritization and selection. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Actuals (Program Budget)

The total amount incurred on a program throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.

Actuals cannot be edited if a program has a status of Proposal.

Actuals (Project Budget)

The total amount incurred on a project throughout its lifecycle, such as the costs of invoices, payments, or accruals.

Actuals cannot be edited if a project has a status of Proposal. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Actuals Effective Date (Project)

The month in which an actuals value was last added to the project.

Actuals Finish (Project)

The finish date for the project actuals.

Actuals Start (Project)

The start date for the project actuals.

Additional Approver (Payment Application)

A company other than the project owner or general contractor that can approve the payment application.

Additional Approver Contact (Payment Application)

A contact at any company other than the project owner or general contractor that can approve the payment application.

Adjusted Cost (Scope Assignment)

The amount the scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

Adjusted Cost (Work Package)

The amount the scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Adjusted Hours (Scope Assignment)

The amount of scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

Adjusted Hours (Work Package)

The amount of scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Adjusted Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The scope assignment quantity that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

Adjusted Quantity (Scope Item)

The scope item quantity that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.

This is a manual entry field.

Agreement Current Value (Payment Application)

The current value of the payment application, plus all approved changes.

Agreement Original Value (Payment Application)

The original value of the contract or commitment.

Allocated (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has been distributed to projects, programs, or other workspaces.

The portion of all funds in the workspace that has been reserved for work on projects, programs and other workspaces.

Allocated (Funds)

The portion of all funds in the workspace that has been reserved for work on projects, programs and other workspaces.

Allocated Funds (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has been distributed to projects or other workspaces.

Amount (Budget Transaction)

The amount that the budget row has changed as the result of transactions.

Amount (Program Budget Transaction)

The amount that the budget row has changed as the result of transactions.

Amount Approved (Payment Application)

The total amount approved for the payment application.

The total amount approved for the payment application.

Amount Approved (Payment Application)

The total amount approved for the payment application.

Annual Discount Rate (Program Budget)

The interest rate associated with the cost of an investment from your commercial bank or another funding source.

For example, an annual growth rate of an investment such as 4.75% can be used as an annual discount rate. This rate is used when a future value is assumed and you are trying to find the required Net Present Value.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Annual Discount Rate (Project Budget)

The interest rate associated with the cost of an investment from your commercial bank or another funding source.

For example, an annual growth rate of an investment such as 4.75% can be used as an annual discount rate. This rate is used when a future value is assumed and you are trying to find the required Net Present Value.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Answer (Potential Change Order)

The answer that was marked as accepted.

Answered By (Potential Change Order)

The user who submitted the accepted answer to the question.

Application Administrator

Indicates a user with full access to the application.

Appropriated (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has been committed to work on a project.

Appropriated Funds (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has been committed to work on a project.

Approval Date (Budget Change Request)

Date the item was approved.

Approval Date (Budget Transfer)

Date the item was approved.

Approval Date (Change Order)

The date the commitment change order was approved.

Approval Date (Program Budget Change Request)

Date the item was approved.

Approved Budget (Budget Planning)

The total approved budget currently allocated to the portfolio.

Current Approved Budget values are derived from the Proposed Budget set by the budget planner.

A Proposed Budget becomes a Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario has undergone the approval process.

Approved Budget (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as discounted value, of the portfolio approved budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Approved Budget Finish Date (Project)

The finish date for the Current Approved Budget set by the budget planner.

Approved Budget Start Date (Project)

The start date for the Current Approved Budget set by the budget planner.

Approved Change Cost (Scope Assignment)

The sum of all approved cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.

Approved Change Cost (Work Package)

The sum of all approved cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Approved Change Hours (Scope Assignment)

The sum of all approved change hours in the change and transfer records for the scope assignment.

Approved Change Hours (Work Package)

The sum of all approved change hours in the change and transfer records for the scope assignment.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Approved Change Orders (Payment Application)

The sum of approved change orders for the payment application.

Approved Change Quantity (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as the sum of all approved change quantities in the change records for the scope assignment.

Approved Commitment Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all approved cost changes in the change records for the commitment.

Approved Commitment Changes (Cost Sheet)

The total value of all approved commitment change orders.

Approved Commitment Potential Change Orders (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all approved potential change orders for commitments.

Approved Commitment Potential Change Orders (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all approved potential change orders for commitments.

Approved Commitments (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost of all approved commitments.

Approved Commitments (Cost Sheet)

The total value of all approved and closed commitments in the project.

Approved Contract Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost for all approved changes in contracts.

Approved Contract Changes (Cost Sheet)

The total cost for all approved changes in contracts.

Approved Contract Potential Change Orders (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all approved potential change orders for contracts.

Approved Contract Potential Change Orders (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all approved potential change orders for contracts.

Approved Contracts (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost for all approved contracts.

Approved Contracts (Cost Sheet)

The total cost for all approved contracts.

Approved Date (Budget Transaction)

The date the transaction was approved.

Approved Revenue (Actual Risk Response Cost)

Revenue that has been submitted and approved by an authorized reviewer.

Approved Revenue (Cost Sheet)

Revenue that has been submitted and approved by an authorized reviewer.

Approved Spends (Actual Risk Response Cost)

Spends that have been submitted and approved by an authorized reviewer.

Approved Spends (Cost Sheet)

Spends that have been submitted for review and approved by an authorized reviewer.

Assigned Quantity (Scope Item)

The total quantity distributed to work packages by way of scope assignments. After the original baseline is set, this number is updated to also reflect scope assignments that are created from approved quantity changes of the scope item.

Assigned To (Potential Change Order)

The user who is assigned to answer the question.

Associated Agreement (Change Order)

The contract associated with the change order.

Associated Agreement (Payment Application)

The agreement associated with the payment application.

Associated Agreement (Potential Change Order)

The link to the associated agreement.

Associated Commitment (Contracts and Commitments)

The name and ID of the commitment associated with the commitment change order.

Associated Contract (Commitment)

The contract associated with the commitment.

At Completion (Project Budget)

The At Completion Total Cost from a cost-loaded P6 EPPM schedule.

At Completion data is only available when the application is connected to P6 EPPM and is not editable.

The At Completion field is populated with the At Completion Total Cost from the project's P6 EPPM schedule. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

At Completion Cost (Activity Assignment)

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for the resource assignment on the activity.

At Completion Cost (Scope Assignment)

The total cost at the completion of the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Cost plus Adjusted Cost.

At Completion Cost (Work Package)

The total cost at the completion of the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Cost plus Adjusted Cost.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

At Completion Duration - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity at completion duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

At Completion Duration (Activity Assignment)

The total working time from the assignment's current start date to the current finish date.

At Completion Duration (Activity)

The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date.

The current start date is the planned start date until the activity is started, and then it is the actual start date. The current finish date is the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

At Completion Hours (Scope Assignment)

The total hours expected for the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Hours plus Adjusted Hours.

At Completion Hours (Work Package)

The total hours expected to be spend at the completion of the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Hours plus Adjusted Hours.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

At Completion Labor Cost (Activity)

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all labor resource assignments on the activity.

At Completion Labor Units (Activity)

The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned labor units if the activity is not started, and the actual labor units after the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Remaining Labor Units.

At Completion Material Cost (Activity)

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all material resource assignments on the activity.

At Completion Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity.

At Completion Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned nonlabor units if the activity is not started, and the actual nonlabor units after the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units.

At Completion Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The total amount of the scope item to be installed for the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Quantity plus Adjusted Quantity.

At Completion Quantity (Scope Item)

The total amount of the scope item to be installed for the project.

Calculated as Revised Quantity plus Adjusted Quantity.

At Completion Total Cost - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity at completion total cost at the time the risk analysis was run.

At Completion Total Cost (Activity)

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.

At Completion Units (Activity Assignment)

The sum of the actual units and remaining units for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Units plus Remaining Units.

Available Hours (Scope Assignment)

The number of hours available for scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Hours minus Installed Hours.

Available Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The amount of material or product available for scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Quantity minus Installed Quantity.

BAC Cost (Scope Assignment)

The Revised Cost or At Completion Cost at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget at Completion Method. The Revised Cost of the current project if no baseline is set.

BAC Cost (Work Package)

The Revised Cost or At Completion Cost at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget at Completion Method. The Revised Cost of the current project if no baseline is set.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

BAC Hours (Scope Assignment)

The Revised Hours or At Completion Hours at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget At Completion Method. The Revised Hours of the current project if no baseline is set.

BAC Hours (Work Package)

The Revised Hours or At Completion Hours at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget At Completion Method. The Revised Hours of the current project if no baseline is set.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

BAC Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The Revised Quantity or At Completion Quantity at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget at Completion Method. The Revised Quantity of the current project if no baseline is set.

Balance Remaining (Change Order)

The amount of money you expect to spend to complete work on this item.

Balance Remaining (Commitment)

The balance of work remaining to complete the line item.

Balance Remaining (Contract)

The remaining balance of the schedule of values cost.

Balance To Finish + Retainage (Payment Application)

The total of the balance required to finish work represented by the agreement, plus the amount of retainage to be paid when work is complete.

Ball in Court (Potential Change Order)

The user responsible for the current step of the potential change order.

The user who is responsible for the current step of the potential change order proposal.

Ball in Court (Potential Change Order)

The user who is responsible for the current step of the potential change order proposal.

Baseline Cost (Scope Assignment)

The Revised Cost at the time the current baseline was set.

Baseline Cost (Work Package)

The Revised Cost at the time the current baseline was set.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Baseline Finish (Work Package)

The planned finish date for the work package as is set in the current baseline.

This field is populated with the Revised Finish date at the time that the current baseline is set.

Baseline Hours (Scope Assignment)

The Revised Hours at the time the baseline was set.

Baseline Hours (Work Package)

The Revised Hours at the time the baseline was set.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Baseline Quantity (Scope Item)

The Revised Quantity at the time the current baseline was set.

Baseline Start (Scope Assignment)

The planned start date for the scope assignment as is set in the current baseline.

This field is used to spread baseline data fields.

This field is populated with the Revised Start date at the time that the current baseline is set.

If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the activity's Current BL Start date.

Baseline Start (Work Package)

The planned start date for the work package as is set in the current baseline.

This field is populated with the Revised Start date at the time that the current baseline is set.

Benefits (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall project benefits. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric during project prioritization and selection. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Benefits (Project Budget)

Project benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Benefits Finish Date (Program)

The date benefits on the program finished.

Benefits Start Date (Program)

The date benefits on the program began.

BL Activity Percent Complete (Activity)

In the baseline, the activity percent complete, manually entered by a user.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Activity Status (Activity)

Determines the status of the activity in the baseline. Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Duration (Activity)

In the baseline, the total working time from the activity BL Actual Start date to the BL Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the BL Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities.

The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Finish (Activity)

The completion date of the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Labor Cost (Activity)

The actual cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Labor Units (Activity)

The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Material Cost (Activity)

The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The actual cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The number of nonlabor units expended for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Start (Activity)

The start date of the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Actual Total Cost (Activity)

The actual total cost for all labor, nonlabor and material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

Calculated as BL Actual Labor Cost plus BL Actual Nonlabor Cost plus BL Actual Material Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Duration Percent Complete (Activity)

The duration percent complete for the activity in the baseline. Calculated as Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration divided by Planned Duration multiplied by 100.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Early Finish (Activity)

The earliest possible finish date of the activity in the baseline.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Early Start (Activity)

The earliest possible start date of the remaining work for the activity in the baseline.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Finish (Activity)

The current finish date for the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Free Float (Activity)

The amount of time the activity in the baseline can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Late Finish (Activity)

In the baseline, the latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Late Start (Activity)

In the baseline, the latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Percent Complete Type (Activity)

Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity in the baseline. Valid values are Physical, Duration, and Units.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Duration (Activity)

The expected amount of time required to complete the activity in the baseline.

The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Labor Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Labor Units (Activity)

The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Material Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the baseline.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Planned Total Cost (Activity)

The planned total cost for all labor, nonlabor, and material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline.

Calculated as BL Planned Labor Cost plus BL Planned Nonlabor Cost plus BL Planned Material Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Remaining Duration (Activity)

In the baseline, the total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Start (Activity)

The current start date of the activity in the baseline.

For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Total Float (Activity)

In the baseline, the amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as BL Late Start minus BL Early Start or as BL Late Finish minus BL Early Finish.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Units Percent Complete (Activity)

The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the baseline. Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Duration (Activity)

The duration difference between the activity At Completion Duration and BL Duration.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Finish (Activity)

The duration difference between the activity Finish date and BL Finish date.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Labor Cost (Activity)

The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor cost and the current schedule at completion labor cost.

Calculated as BL Planned Labor Cost minus At Completion Labor Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Labor Units (Activity)

The difference between the activity At Completion Labor Units and the BL Planned Labor Units.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Material Cost (Activity)

The difference between the associated project baseline planned material cost and the current schedule at completion material cost.

Calculated as BL Planned Material Cost minus At Completion Material Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The difference between the associated project baseline planned nonlabor cost and the current schedule at completion nonlabor cost.

Calculated as BL Planned Nonlabor Cost minus At Completion Nonlabor Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The difference between the activity At Completion Nonlabor Units and the BL Planned Nonlabor Units.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Start (Activity)

The duration difference between the activity Start date and BL Start date.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

BL Variance - Total Cost (Activity)

The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor cost and the current schedule at completion labor cost.

Calculated as BL Planned Total Cost minus At Completion Total Cost.

The following baselines have unique names and values for this field: Current, Original, Supplementary, User 1, User 2, User 3.

Budget Approval Date (Project Budget)

The date the project budget was approved.

Budget Approved By (Project Budget)

The user who approved the budget.

Budget At Completion (Activity)

The budgeted or planned total cost through activity completion.

Calculated as Planned Labor Cost plus Planned Nonlabor Cost plus Planned Material Cost.

The budgeted or planned total cost through activity completion.

Budget At Completion (Activity)

The budgeted or planned total cost through activity completion.

Budget At Completion (Schedule)

The budgeted or planned total cost through activity completion.

Budget At Completion Labor Units (Activity)

The planned total labor units through activity completion.

Budget At Completion Method (Work Package)

The setting allows users to select which value to use for populating BAC fields when a baseline is set. Choose At Completion to include adjusted values.

Budget At Completion Units (Activity)

The budgeted or planned units through activity completion.

Budget Change ID (Budget Transaction)

This is an intermediary field that the system uses to calculate other values. It does not correspond to any field users can see in the user interface.

Budget Planning Horizon (Portfolio)

The Planning Horizon defines the duration of budget planning within the portfolio.

For example, the U.S. government plans six years of capital spending, in this case their planning horizon would be six years.

The Planning Horizon is separated by yearly Planning Periods, during which budget values allocated to yearly projects, and planning for the year takes place.

Returning to the example, the U.S. Government would establish a Planning Period budget six times, as they have a Planning Horizon of six years.

Planning Horizon can be edited at any point in time during the planning process.

Budget Planning Period (Budget Planning)

The period during which budget is allocated to projects within the plan.

This value determines the year in which budget planning timescales start.

You can set the planning period to either the current or following year. For example, if the year is 2020 the latest planning period you can set is 2021.

After the planning period for a budget plan has been set it cannot be changed.

Budget Review Status (Budget Planning)

The current status of a shared budget proposal for a project within a portfolio budget plan.

The project manager can accept the proposed budget or request changes to it. The budget planner is notified of the project manager's requests, and can use budget feedback to adjust the current budget allocation for the budget plan.

Accepted: The proposed budget for the project was accepted by the project manager.

Pending: The project manager is currently reviewing the project's proposed budget.

Changes Requested: The project manager has requested changes to the project's proposed budget.

Budget Status (Budget Planning)

The current budget status of a portfolio. The status is set based on the status of the scenarios and cannot be edited manually.

In Planning: The portfolio is currently going through the budget planning process and contains one or more scenarios in planning. In planning is the default budget status.

Revising: The portfolio currently has one scenario with a status of approved, and another with a status of Under Review, Shared, or Under Approval.

Approved: The portfolio contains a scenario that has gone through the approval process and has been approved.

Budget Status (Project Budget)

The status of the budget.

Budget Transfer ID (Budget Transaction)

This is an intermediary field that the system uses to calculate other values. It does not correspond to any field users can see in the user interface.

Business Impact (Program)

A detailed description of the business impact of the program.

Calculate Costs from Units (Activity Assignment)

Indicates whether to calculate costs based on units for an assignment.

Change Amount (Change Order)

The difference between the original value of the cost and its current value.

The change in cost represented by the commitment change order.

Change Amount (Change Order)

The change in cost represented by the commitment change order.

Change Estimate (Change Order)

The change estimate of the change order.

Change Estimate (Potential Change Order)

The change estimate of the potential change order.

Change Order (Change Order)

The change order associated with the line item.

Change Order Additions (Previous) (Payment Application)

The sum of all additions made to the change order during the previous period.

Change Order Additions (This Period) (Payment Application)

The sum of all additions made to the change order during this period.

Change Order Deductions (Previous) (Payment Application)

The sum of all deductions made to the change order during the previous period.

Change Order Deductions (This Period) (Payment Application)

The sum of all deductions made to the change order during this period.

Change Reference (Change Order)

The change event of the change order.

The name and ID of the change record associated with the commitment change order.

Change Reference (Change Order)

The name and ID of the change record associated with the commitment change order.

Change Reference (Potential Change Order)

The change of the potential change order.

Collected Commitment Total (Change Order)

The total value represented by the collected line item. If necessary, this value is converted to the currency of the contract into which it is collected.

Collected from Commitment (Change Order)

The ID of the commitment change order from which the contract change order line item was collected.

Collected into Change Order (Change Order)

The name and ID of the change order into which the commitment change order was collected.

Commitment (Commitment)

The commitment associated with the line item.

The commitment associated with the line item.

Commitment (Commitment)

The commitment associated with the line item.

Commitment Manager (Commitment)

The person who is responsible for managing the commitment.

Commitment Status (Task)

The status of the commitment. Valid values are Committed and Recommitted.

Completed and Stored to Date (Payment Application)

The total quantity completed and stored by the current date.

Confirmed Actuals (Cost Sheet)

Actuals that have been confirmed.

Constraint Count (Task)

The number of constraints assigned to the selected task or task milestone.

Constraint Impact (Task)

Indicates whether the selected task or task milestone has any constraints assigned.

Construction Value (Project Budget)

Construction Value is the total of all project-related costs incurred by the constructing company (usually a General Contractor) over the period of construction. This would generally include cost of materials, subcontract totals, overhead costs, general conditions and tax.


The portion of the fund that has been spent to complete work on a project.

Consumed (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has been spent to complete work on a project.

Contingency (Risk)

The allowable risk cost should the risk occur.

Contract (Contract)

The contract associated with the line item.

The contract associated with the schedule of values.

Contract (Contract)

The contract associated with the schedule of values.

Contract Manager (Contract)

The person in your organization who is responsible for managing the contract.

Cost Category (Budget Item)

The type of cost associated with the budget item.

Cost Category (Budget Transaction)

The type of cost associated with the budget line item.

Cost Category (Change Order)

The type of cost represented by the line item.

The type of expense described by the line item. Typical categories include Material, Other, Equipment, and Labor.

Cost Category (Change Order)

The type of expense described by the line item. Typical categories include Material, Other, Equipment, and Labor.

Cost Category (Commitment)

The kind of cost represented by the line item.

The type of cost associated with the line item.

Cost Category (Commitment)

The type of cost associated with the line item.

Cost Category (Contract)

The type of cost represented by the schedule of values.

The type of cost represented by the line item.

Cost Category (Contract)

The type of cost represented by the line item.

Cost Category (Potential Change Order)

The cost category of the proposal line item.

Cost Performance Index (CPI) (Schedule)

The ratio of the approved budget for work performed to what you actual spent for the work accomplished.

Cost Performance Index (CPI) Labor Units (Activity)

Measures the work efficiency on an activity.

A value less than 1 indicates that the actual units have exceeded the planned units.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Actual Labor Units.

Cost Performance Index (Project Budget)

The measure of a project's cost efficiency.

A value of less than 1 indicates the project is over budget, while a value greater than 1 indicates the project is under budget.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Cost Performance Index Labor Units (Schedule)

Measures the work efficiency on an activity, WBS, or project.

Cost Variance (Activity)

A measure of activity cost performance. The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed minus the actual cost of work performed.

Indicates how much you are under or over your approved budget. A negative value indicates that the actual cost has exceeded the planned value.

Calculated as Earned Value minus Actual Total Cost.

Cost Variance (Project Budget)

The measure of cost performance on a project.

A negative value indicates that the Actual Cost has exceeded the planned value.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Cost Variance (Schedule)

The difference between the amounts budgeted for the work you actually performed and the work you planned to do.

Cost Variance Index (Activity)

The ratio of the cost variance and the earned value of work performed on the activity.

Calculated as Cost Variance divided by Earned Value.

Cost Variance Index (Schedule)

The ratio of the cost variance and the earned value of work performed on the WBS, activity, or project.

Cost Variance Index Labor Units (Activity)

The ratio of the cost variance labor units and the earned value labor units for the activity.

Calculated as Cost Variance Labor Units divided by Earned Value Labor Units.

Cost Variance Index Labor Units (Schedule)

The ratio of the cost variance labor units and the earned value labor units for the activity, WBS, or project.

Cost Variance Labor Units (Schedule)

The difference between the earned value labor units and the actual labor units.

Cost Weight (Scope Assignment)

This value is used to calculate Scope Percent Complete at the work package level if Scope Percent Complete Weight Method is set to Cost.

Calculated as Scope Percent Complete times Revised Cost.

Critical - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity critical value at the time the risk analysis was run.

Critical (Activity Relationship)

Determines whether the activity is critical. An activity is critical when its total float is below the critical duration specified for the project.

Current Committed Due Date (Task)

The current due date of the task commitment.

Current Cost (Budget Item)

The current cost of the budget line item.

Current Cost (Budget Transaction)

The current cost of the associated budget line item.

Current Cost (Program Budget Item)

The current cost of the budget line item.

Current Cost (Program Budget Transaction)

The current cost of the associated budget line item.

Current Payment Due (Payment Application)

The original value of the contract or commitment.

The original value of the contract or commitment.

Current Payment Due (Payment Application)

The original value of the contract or commitment.

Current Value (Commitment)

The present value of the cost.

Current Value (Contract)

The present value of the cost.

Curve (Activity Assignment)

The resource's units and costs distributed over the duration of an activity.

Data Date (Project)

The progress point, or "as-of date", for activities in the project. Project status is up-to-date as of the data date. You can set the data date when you schedule the project, or you can set it manually.

The data date is also used for updating the dates of scope assignments and work packages when they are not linked to activities.

Date Identified (Task Constraint)

The date the constraint was first identified as an impediment to completing a task.

Date Needed (Task Constraint)

The date the constraint needs to be resolved by to prevent a delay in the completion of the tasks or task milestones that are dependent on it.

Date Submitted (Potential Change Order)

The date the question was submitted.

Delivered Date (Task Constraint)

The date the responsible party actually resolved the constraint.

Distributed (Funds)

The amount of money that has been distributed for the fund.

Distributed Approved Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of approved budget currently allocated across the project timescale.

The amount of approved budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Distributed Approved Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of approved budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Distributed Approved Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of approved budget currently allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Distributed Benefits (Project Budget)

The amount of benefits currently allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Distributed Forecast (Project Budget)

The amount of forecast cost currently allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Distributed Planned Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of planned budget allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Distributed Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of proposed budget currently allocated across the project timescale.

The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Distributed Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Distributed Proposed Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of proposed budget currently allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Distributed Target Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of target budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Drive Activity Dates (Activity Assignment)

Determines whether new resource or role assignments determine activity dates.

Driving (Activity Relationship)

Determines whether the relationship is driving. A relationship is driving when the predecessor activity influences the start date of its successor.

Due Date (Task)

The date by which the task is expected to be completed.

Duration Percent Complete (Activity)

The duration percent complete for the activity. Calculated as Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration divided by Planned Duration multiplied by 100.

Duration Percent of Planned (Activity)

The actual duration percent of planned duration for the activity. Calculated as Actual Duration divided by Original BL Duration multiplied by 100.

EAC Cost (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as ETC Cost plus Actual Cost to Date.

EAC Cost (Work Package)

The total cost estimated to be earned as the completion of the work package.

Calculated as ETC Cost plus Actual Cost to Date.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

EAC Hours (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as ETC Hours plus Actual Hours to Date.

EAC Hours (Work Package)

The total hours estimated to be earned at the completion of the work package.

Calculated as ETC Hours plus Actual Hours to Date.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

EAC Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The estimate of how much material or product will be installed at completion of the scope assignment work.

Calculated as ETC Quantity plus Actual Quantity to Date.

Early Finish - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity early finish at the time the risk analysis was run.

Early Finish (Activity)

The earliest possible date the activity can finish.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Early Start - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity early start at the time the risk analysis was run.

Early Start (Activity)

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Earned Cost (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Cost.

Earned Cost (Work Package)

The portion of the budgeted cost that is currently earned for the work package.

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Cost.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Earned Hours (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.

Earned Hours (Work Package)

The portion of budgeted hours that is currently earned for the work package.

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Earned Percent Complete (Work Package)

Calculated as Earned Hours divided by BAC Hours for all scope assignments in the work package.

Earned Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The amount of material or product that has been installed based on the Performance Percent Complete of the scope assignment and the Budget At Completion Quantity.

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Quantity.

Earned Value Cost (Activity)

The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The method for computing performance percent complete depends on the Earned Value technique defined in the project settings.

The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Earned Value Cost (Activity)

The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Earned Value Cost (Project Budget)

The value of work performed on a project in reference to the approved budget for the project.

The cost value used for the Earned Value Management of a project.

Earned Value Management allows project managers to quantify project progress and objectively measure a project's success.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Earned Value Cost (Schedule)

The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Earned Value Labor Units (Activity)

The portion of baseline labor units that are actually completed as of the project data date.

Calculated as Budget At Completion Labor Units multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The performance percent complete will be calculated using the activity percent complete.

Earned Value Labor Units (Schedule)

The portion of baseline labor units that are complete as of the project data date.

Earned Value Period Cost (Activity)

The incremental value of the approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Earned Value Period Units (Activity)

The incremental value of the earned value units for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Earned Value Units (Activity)

The earned value units for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Effective Finish (Scope Assignment)

The latest date of all Actual to Date and Actual Cost to Date values for the scope assignment.

This is a read-only field.

Effective Finish (Scope Item)

The latest Effective Finish date for Actual to Date values of all scope item's scope assignments.

Effective Finish (Work Package)

The latest Effective Finish date of all scope assignments in the work package.

This is a read-only field.

Effective Start (Scope Assignment)

The earliest date of all Actual Hours to Date and Actual Cost to Date values for the scope assignment.

This is a read-only field.

Effective Start (Scope Item)

The earliest Effective Start date for Actual to Date values of all the scope item's scope assignments.

Effective Start (Work Package)

The earliest Effective Start date of all scope assignments in the work package.

This is a read-only field.

Effective Start Date (Resource/Role)

The date that the corresponding units/time period and rates go into effect for the resource or role.

The start date of the work rate.

Effective Start Date (Resource/Role)

The start date of the work rate.

End Date (Funds)

The date when money in the fund will no longer be available.

Estimate At Completion (EAC) (Activity)

The forecasted cost of the project as the project progresses.

Estimate At Completion (EAC) Labor Units (Activity)

The estimated labor units at completion.

Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Estimate To Complete Labor Units. Estimate To Complete Labor Units is calculated based off of the Earned Value setting.

Estimate At Completion (EAC) Labor Units (Schedule)

The estimated labor units at completion of the activity. Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Estimated to Completion Labor Units.

Estimate at Completion (Project Budget)

The expected total cost of the project when the defined scope of work will be completed.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Estimate To Complete (ETC) (Activity)

The estimated cost to complete the activity.

Estimate To Complete (ETC) Labor Units (Schedule)

The estimated quantity to complete the activity, WBS, or project.

Estimate to Complete (Project Budget)

The estimated cost needed to complete the project.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Estimate To Complete (Schedule)

The estimated cost to complete the Activity, WBS or Project.

Estimate To Complete Performance Index (TCPI) (Activity)

The cost performance index value that must be achieved in order to complete the remaining work on budget.

This is a measure of the efficiency required on the future performance of the project. A value greater than 1 indicates that the work is over budget and more effort will be required to reduce costs or increase earned value. A value less than 1 indicates the work is under budget and that the current effort is sufficient enough to meet the budget at completion.

Calculated as (Budget At Completion - Earned Value) / (Estimate At Completion - Actual Cost).

Estimate To Complete Performance Index (TCPI) (Schedule)

The Estimate To Complete Performance Index is calculated as (Budget at Completion - Earned Value) / (Estimate at Completion - Actual Cost).

Estimated Commitment Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all estimates for commitments.

Estimated Commitment Changes (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all estimates for commitments.

Estimated Contract Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all estimates for contracts.

Estimated Contract Changes (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all estimates for contracts.

ETC Cost (Scope Assignment)

The estimate of the cost needed to complete the work.

Calculated as BAC Cost minus Earned Cost.

ETC Cost (Work Package)

The estimate of the cost needed to complete the work.

Calculated as BAC Cost minus Earned Cost.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

ETC Hours (Scope Assignment)

The estimated number of hours needed to complete the work.

Calculated as BAC Hours minus Earned Hours.

ETC Hours (Work Package)

The estimated number of hours needed to complete the work.

Calculated as BAC Hours minus Earned Hours.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

ETC Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The estimate of how much quantity is needed to complete the work.

Calculated as BAC Quantity minus Earned Quantity.

Evaluation Score

The quantitative score of an idea based on the qualitative ranking of ideas against different evaluation categories. This value is used by workspace managers to prioritize ideas.

Evaluation Score (Program)

The quantitative score of a program based on the qualitative ranking of programs against different evaluation categories. This value is used by portfolio managers to prioritize programs.

Evaluation Score (Project)

The quantitative score of a project based on the qualitative ranking of projects against different evaluation categories. This value is used by portfolio managers to prioritize projects.

Exchange Rate (Change Order)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the change order line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

The rate of exchange between the currency of the change order line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Change Order)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the change order line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Commitment)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the commitment and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

The rate of exchange between the currency of the commitment line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Commitment)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the commitment line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Contract)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the contract line item and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

The rate of exchange between the currency of the contract and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Contract)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the contract and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Payment Application)

The rate of exchange between the currency of the payment application and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.

Exchange Rate (Potential Change Order)

The exchange rate of the potential change order.

Exposure Finish Date (Risk)

The latest finish date of the activities the risk is mapped to. If the risk is not mapped to any activities, it is the project scheduled finish date.

Exposure Start Date (Risk)

The earliest start date of the activities that the risk is mapped to. If the risk is not mapped to any activities, it is the date at which the schedule is progressed (Data Date).

Financial Impact (Potential Change Order)

The financial impact of the potential change order.

The financial impact of the potential change order proposal.

Financial Impact (Potential Change Order)

The financial impact of the potential change order proposal.

Finish - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity finish date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Finish (Activity Assignment)

The finish date for the assignment.

Finish (Activity)

The current finish date for the activity.

Finish (Budget Planning)

The finish date for each cost curve row.

The Finish displays the end date of the corresponding cost curve type.

For example, the Finish for a Current Approved Budget row is the Current Approved Budget Finish date.

Finish Date (Activity)

The reporting period finish date.

Finish Date (Commitment)

The date when the work represented by the commitment is expected to be finished.

Finish Date (Contract)

The date by which the work contracted is scheduled to be finished. The Finish Date value is not affected by project calendars.

Float Path (Activity)

A number calculated by the scheduler which identifies the float path that each activity is on. The number starts from 1 (where 1 is most critical) to the max number of float paths identified by the scheduler.

Float Path Order (Activity)

Order that the activities were processed within each float path.

Forecast (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall project forecast. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use the present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric during project prioritization and selection. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Forecast (Project Budget)

The total estimation of a project's remaining costs.

Once projects have begun, project managers update the project forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the project's life cycle. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Forecast Finish (Project)

The planned finish date of a project's remaining Forecast cost.

Forecast Finish Date (Program)

The planned finish date of a program's remaining Forecast cost.

Forecast Start (Project)

The planned start date of a project's remaining Forecast cost.

Forecast Start Date (Program)

The planned start date of a program's remaining Forecast cost.

Free Float - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity free float at the time the risk analysis was run.

Free Float (Activity)

The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity.

From Budget Change (Budget Item)

Indicates whether the budget item originated in a budget change.

From Company (Change Order)

The company that awarded the change order.

From Company (Commitment)

The company that awarded the commitment.

From Company (Contract)

The company that awarded the contract.

From Company (Payment Application)

The company that awarded the payment application.

From Company (Potential Change Order)

The company that awarded the potential change order.

From Contact (Change Order)

The person in the Awarded From company who is officially responsible for communications about the associated agreement.

From Contact (Commitment)

The person at the Awarded From Company who is officially responsible for communications about the commitment.

From Contact (Contract)

The person in the Awarded By company who is officially responsible for communications about the contract.

From Contact (Payment Application)

The user at the company that awarded the payment application who is responsible for communications about the payment application.

From Contact (Potential Change Order)

The person at the Awarded From company who is officially responsible for communications about the potential change order.

From Contact Title (Change Order)

The title of the person in the Awarded From company who is officially responsible for communications about the associated agreement.

High Value (Thresholds)

The cost measured by the threshold.

Use threshold operators to compare this value to the values in projects and portfolios.

The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".

High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.

The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".

High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.

High Value (Thresholds)

The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".

High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.

The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".

High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.

High Value (Thresholds)

The High Value is only editable if Value is selected and the threshold operator is set to "within range" or "not within range".

High Value allows you to set a maximum value other threshold values can be measured against.

Hours (Budget Item)

The number of hours needed to complete the budget item. Calculated as Production Rate multiplied by Quantity.

Hours (Budget Transaction)

The number of hours needed to complete the budget details line item. Calculated as Production Rate multiplied by Quantity.

Hours Weight (Scope Assignment)

This value is used to calculate Scope Percent Complete at the work package level if Scope Percent Complete Weight Method is set to Hours.

Calculated as Scope Percent Complete times Revised Hours.

Impacted Date (Risk)

The date the risk impacted the project.

Incremental Actual Cost To Date (Scope Assignment)

The cost incurred on the scope assignment since the last progress date. This amount is added to the value for Cumulative Actual Cost to Date.

Incremental Actual Hours To Date (Scope Assignment)

The number of hours spent on this scope assignment since the last progress date. This value is added to Cumulative Actual Hours to Date.

Incremental Installed Cost (Scope Assignment)

The total cost incurred on the scope assignment as of the current date.

If Rate By is set to Hours, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Quantity.

Incremental Installed Hours (Scope Assignment)

Hours spent on the scope assignment.

Calculated as Installed Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.

Incremental Installed Quantity (Scope Assignment)

That amount of material or product that has been installed since the last progress date.

Installed Cost (Scope Assignment)

The total cost incurred on the scope assignment as of the current date.

If Rate By is set to Hours, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Quantity.

Installed Cost (Work Package)

The total cost incurred on the scope assignment as of the current date.

If Rate By is set to Hours, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Quantity.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Installed Finish (Scope Assignment)

The date work on the scope assignment completed.

The latest date of all Installed Quantity values for the scope assignment when Scope Percent Complete equals 100%.

This field is used to spread Installed data fields.

Installed Finish (Work Package)

The date work on the work package is complete.

This is the latest Installed Finish date of all scope assignments in the work package.

Installed Hours (Scope Assignment)

Hours spent on the scope assignment.

Calculated as Installed Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.

Installed Hours (Work Package)

Hours spent on the scope assignment.

Calculated as Installed Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Installed Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The amount of material or product that has been installed to date.

If the Progress Measure on the work package is set to Milestone Percent Complete, then Installed Quantity equals Revised Quantity multiplied by Milestone Progress Percent Complete.

This field can be manually overridden if the Progress Measure is set to Physical Percent Complete, then Installed Quantity is manually entered and not calculated.

Installed Quantity (Scope Item)

The amount of material or product that has been installed to date.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments created for the scope item.

Installed Start (Scope Assignment)

The date work on the scope assignment began.

This is the earliest date of all Installed Quantity values for the scope assignment.

This field is used to spread Installed data fields.

Installed Start (Work Package)

The date work on the work package began.

This is the earliest Installed Start date of all scope assignments in the work package.

Internal Rate of Return (Program Budget)

The quantitative measurement used to compare the profitability of program investments.

The rate at which investors will receive returns on their investments in a program.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Internal Rate of Return (Project Budget)

The quantitative measurement used to compare the profitability of project investments.

The rate at which investors will receive returns on their investments in a project.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Labor Rate (Budget Item)

The cost per labor hour of the budget line item.

Labor Rate (Budget Transaction)

The cost per labor hour of the budget line item detail.

Labor Rate (Program Budget Item)

The cost per labor hour of the budget line item.

Labor Rate (Program Budget Transaction)

The cost per labor hour of the budget line item detail.

Labor Units Percent Complete (Activity)

The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity. Calculated as Actual Labor Units divided by At Completion Labor Units multiplied by 100.

Lag - Use Only Work Days (Task)

Allows user to set whether or not lag can fall on project calendar's nonwork days.

Lag (Activity Relationship)

The amount of time the predecessor activity was delayed, affecting the ability of its successor activity to start or finish.

Lag (Risk Analysis)

The relationship lag at the time the risk analysis was run.

Lag (Task)

The amount of time a successor task is required to be delayed with respect to a predecessor task in a hand-off, in hours.

Last Status Action (Contracts and Commitments)

The last status of the agreement, change, or payment application.

Late Finish - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity late finish at the time the risk analysis was run.

Late Finish (Activity)

The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Late Start - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity late start at the time the risk analysis was run.

Late Start (Activity)

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Line Item ID (Commitment)

The unique identifier for the line item.

Link Forecast to Actuals (Program)

Enables you to link program Forecast data to program Actuals data.

When linked, any updates to the program's Actuals values will automatically be applied to the program's Forecast values.

Longest Path - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity longest path value at the time the risk analysis was run.

Manual Completed Weight (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as Scope Percent Complete multiplied by Manual Weight.

Manual Weight (Scope Assignment)

The value used to calculate manual completed weight when progress needs to be weighed against a factor other than quantity, hours, or cost.

This is a manual entry field when Scope Percent Complete Weight Method is set to Manual.

Max Units/Time (Resource/Role)

The maximum work units per time the resource or role can perform on all their assigned activities

For example, if the selected resource is one person, a reasonable value may be 8 hours (units) per day (duration). In this case, the Max Units/Time would be 8.00h/d, or 8 hours of work per day. Similarly, if the selected resource is a department with 5 people, then the Max Units/Time may be 40.00h/d. This means that 5 people can perform 40 hours of work per day, rather than 1 person performing 8 hours of work per day.

Maximum units per time for the work rate.

Max Units/Time (Resource/Role)

Maximum units per time for the work rate.

Maximum Duration (Risk Analysis)

The activity maximum duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Milestone Percent Complete (Scope Assignment)

The user entered percentage complete for the individual milestones for the scope assignment.

Milestone Progress Percent Complete (Scope Assignment)

The percentage complete for all milestones for the scope assignment. The calculation is based on the user entered percentage complete for the milestone and the rules defined for the milestone calculations.

Minimum Duration (Risk Analysis)

The activity minimum duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Most Likely Duration (Risk Analysis)

The activity most likely duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Net Present Value (Project Budget)

The difference between the present value (PV) of the future cash flows from current investments and project costs.

The Net Present Value accounts for changes in inflation and returns when calculating the difference in value of incoming and outgoing capital.

Positive Net Present Value (NPV) is an indicator of projects that should be pursued.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Nonlabor Units Percent Complete (Activity)

The percent complete of units for all nonlabor resources for the activity. Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units divided by At Completion Nonlabor Units multiplied by 100.

Non-Working Percentage (Risk Weather)

The percentage of non-working days in the period.

Non-Working Persistence (Risk Weather)

The probability of a non-working day following another non-working day in the period.

Non-Working Time Definition (Risk Weather)

The method used to define the weather risk's non-working time. Valid values are Percentage and Distribution.

Operator (Thresholds)

The logical operator for the threshold.

Values are measured against this logic.

For example, a threshold with an operator of Equals will only display an indicator if the budget plan or project value it measures equals the value set in the threshold.

Original Committed Due Date (Task)

The original due date of the task commitment.

Original Cost (Budget Item)

The original cost of the budget line item.

Original Cost (Program Budget Item)

The original cost of the budget line item.

Original Cost (Scope Assignment)

The original cost of the scope assignment.

If Rate By is set to Hours, then Original Cost equals Original Hours multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Original Cost equals Original Quantity multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Quantity.

Original Cost (Work Package)

The original cost of the scope assignment.

If Rate By is set to Hours, then Original Cost equals Original Hours multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Original Cost equals Original Quantity multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Quantity.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Original Cost Rate (Scope Assignment)

The cost rate used in the cost calculation of the scope assignment.

If Rate By is set to Hours and the Original Cost value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate equals Original Cost divided by Original Hours.

If Rate By is set to Quantity and the Original Cost value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate equals Original Cost divided by Original Quantity.

Original Finish (Scope Assignment)

The date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to finish.

This field is populated with the work package's Original Finish date, but it can be manually modified until the original baseline is set.

If there is no activity link, the field is locked when the original baseline is set.

If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set the field is populated with the activity's Planned Finish. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.

If the Data Date is specified after the Original Finish date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Original Finish date to be the same date relative to Original Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.

Original Finish (Work Package)

The date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.

This field is populated with the Data Date plus 4 days when the work package is created, but it can be manually modified until the Original Baseline is set.

If the Data Date is specified after the Original Finish date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Original Finish date to be the same date relative to Original Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is no activity link, the field is locked when the original baseline is set.

If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set the field is populated with the earliest Planned Finish date of all linked activities. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.

Original Hours (Scope Assignment)

The original expected hours needed to complete all the work required to install the material quantity on the scope assignment.

Calculated as Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.

Before the baseline is set, this field can be entered manually. A manual entry recalculates the Original Productivity Rate to equal Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.

Original Hours (Scope Item)

The original expected hours needed to complete all the work on a scope item.

Calculated as Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.

Original Hours (Work Package)

The original expected hours needed to complete all the work required to install the material quantity on the scope assignment.

Calculated as Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.

Before the baseline is set, this field can be entered manually. A manual entry recalculates the Original Productivity Rate to equal Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Original Productivity Rate (Scope Assignment)

The number of hours it takes to install or assemble the product or material per unit. Defaults to the scope item's Original Productivity Rate, but can be updated for each scope item assignment.

Calculated as Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.

If this field is updated, Original Hours is recalculated to equal Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.

Original Productivity Rate (Scope Item)

The number of hours required to install or assemble a single quantity of the scope item material or product.

For example, if the product is 1,000 feet of cable it may be estimated to take 2 hours install one foot of cable.

Calculated as Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.

Original Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The expected amount of material or product required.

The expected amount of material or product required.

Original Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The expected amount of material or product required.

Original Quantity (Scope Item)

The original expected amount of material or product required for a scope item.

Original Start (Scope Assignment)

The date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to begin.

This field is populated with its work package's Original Start, but can be manually modified until the original baseline is set.

If there is no activity link, the field is locked when the original baseline is set.

If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set the field is populated with the activity's Planned Start. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.

If the Data Date is specified, the date cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date.

If the Data Date is specified after the Original Start date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the Original Start date inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.

Original Start (Work Package)

The date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.

This field is populated with the Data Date with the work package is created, but it can be manually modified until the Original Baseline is set.

If the Data Date is specified, Original Start cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date. If the Data Date is specified after the Original Start date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the Original Start is populated with the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is no activity link, this field is locked when the original baseline is set.

If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set this field is populated with the earliest Planned Start dates of all linked activities. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.

Original Value (Commitment)

The value of the cost the first time it was saved.

Original Value (Contract)

The value of the cost the first time it was saved.

Parent Schedule of Values (Change Order)

The unique identifier for the parent schedule of values.

Parent Schedule of Values (Contract)

The unique identifier for the parent schedule of values.

Payback Period (Project Budget)

The estimate of the length of time that will transpire before net profits recover the initial and periodic costs of an investment to carry out the selected project.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Pending Actuals (Cost Sheet)

The total of all actuals values with a status of Pending.

Pending Change Cost (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as the sum of all pending cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.

Pending Change Cost (Work Package)

Calculated as the sum of all pending cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Pending Change Hours (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as the sum of all pending hour changes in the change records for the scope assignment.

Pending Change Hours (Scope Item)

The total number of hours waiting for approval on a scope item.

Pending Change Hours (Work Package)

Calculated as the sum of all pending hour changes in the change and transfer records for the scope assignment.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Pending Change Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The sum of all pending change quantities in the change records for the scope assignment.

Pending Change Quantity (Scope Item)

The total quantity waiting for approval on a scope item.

Pending Commitment Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all pending cost changes in the change records for the commitment.

Pending Commitment Changes (Cost Sheet)

The total value of all pending commitment change orders except for rejected and canceled change orders.

Pending Commitment Potential Change Orders (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all pending potential change orders for commitments.

Pending Commitment Potential Change Orders (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all pending potential change orders for commitments.

Pending Commitments (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost of all pending commitments.

Pending Commitments (Cost Sheet)

The total value of all pending commitment line items in the project.

Pending Contract Changes (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost for all pending changes in contracts.

Pending Contract Changes (Cost Sheet)

The total cost for all pending changes in contracts.

Pending Contract Potential Change Orders (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The sum of all pending potential change orders for contracts.

Pending Contract Potential Change Orders (Cost Sheet)

The sum of all pending potential change orders for contracts.

Pending Contracts (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost for all pending contracts.

Pending Contracts (Cost Sheet)

The total cost for all pending contracts.

Pending Revenue (Actual Risk Response Cost)

Revenue that has been submitted for review but has not been approved or rejected.

Pending Revenue (Cost Sheet)

The total of all This Period values from all payment applications with a status of Pending.

Pending Spends (Actual Risk Response Cost)

Spends that have been submitted for review but not approved or rejected.

Pending Spends (Cost Sheet)

Sum of the Current Payment Due values of all commitment payment applications that have a status of Pending and that are linked to a commitment record associated with the contract.

Percent Complete (Commitment)

The percent of work completed on the line item based on the completed and stored to date value in the payment application.

Percent Complete (Contract)

The completion status of the schedule of values.

Percent Complete (Project)

The estimated percentage of work that has been completed on the project. This value is entered by the user.

Percent Complete Type (Activity)

Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity.

Physical: Percent complete is manually entered by a user based on the amount of physical work completed on the activity.

Duration: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining duration.

Units: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining units.

Scope: The percent complete for the activity is derived from the scope percent complete of the linked scope assignments.

Performance Percent Complete (Schedule)

The percentage of the activity planned work that is currently complete.

Performance Percent Complete (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

Performance Period (Commitment)

The period between the commitment start and finish dates. If this value is changed, the Finished Date value adjusts automatically. If the Start Date or Finish Date changes, this value adjusts automatically.

Performance Period (Contract)

The period between the contract start and finish dates. If this value is changed, the Finished Date value adjusts automatically. If the start or finish dates are changed, this value adjusts automatically.

Period Actual Labor Cost (Schedule)

The aggregation of all labor costs incurred during the current financial period.

Period Actual Labor Units (Schedule)

The number of labor units used during this financial period.

Period Actual Material Cost (Schedule)

The aggregation of all material costs incurred during the current financial period.

Period Actual Nonlabor Cost (Schedule)

The aggregation of all nonlabor costs incurred during the current financial period.

Period Actual Nonlabor Units (Schedule)

The nonlabor units used during this financial period.

Period Actual Total Cost (Schedule)

The aggregation of all labor, nonlabor, material and direct activity costs (expenses) incurred during this financial period.

Period Applied (Change Order)

The billing period of the payment application to which the change order schedule of values is applied.

The billing period of the payment application to which the change order schedule of values is applied.

Period Applied (Change Order)

The billing period of the payment application to which the change order schedule of values is applied.

Period Applied (Commitment)

The billing period of the payment application to which the change order schedule of values is applied.

Period Applied (Contract)

The billing period of the payment application to which the change order schedule of values is applied.

Period Earned Value Cost (Schedule)

The incremental value of the approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.

Period Earned Value Labor Units (Schedule)

The incremental value of the portion of baseline labor units that are complete as of the project data date.

Period Planned Value Cost (Schedule)

The incremental value of the approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Period Planned Value Labor Units (Schedule)

The incremental value of the portion of baseline labor units that are scheduled to be complete as of the project data date.

Period To (Payment Application)

The end date for the payment application.

Pessimistic Remaining Cost Variance Percentage (Risk Analysis)

The percentage difference between the Pre-Response and Post-Response remaining cost values.

Pessimistic Remaining Duration Variance (Risk Analysis)

The duration difference between the Pre-Response and Post-Response remaining duration values.

Pessimistic Remaining Duration Variance Percentage (Risk Analysis)

The percentage difference between the Pre-Response and Post-Response remaining duration values.

Pessimistic Start Variance (Risk Analysis)

The duration difference between the pre-response and post-response pessimistic start date values.

Physical Percent Complete (Activity)

The activity percent complete, manually entered by a user.

Planned Budget (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as the discounted value, of the overall project planned budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Portfolio managers can use present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric during project prioritization and selection. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Planned Budget (Project Budget)

The planned total cost of a project as defined by the project manager.

Planners can use Planned Budgets to determine how to allocate a plan's Proposed Budget values to projects, as well as what projects are reasonable to include in the current portfolio budget plan. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Planned Cost (Activity Assignment)

The expected total cost of the item, such as an assignment, expense, or response plan.

Planned Duration (Activity Assignment)

The resource's total working time on the activity from the Planned Start date to the Planned Finish date.

Planned Duration (Activity)

The expected amount of time required to complete an activity.

The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.

Planned Duration (Project)

The duration between Project Planned Start and Project Planned Finish.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Planned Finish (Activity Assignment)

The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.

Planned Finish (Activity)

The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Planned Finish (Scope Assignment)

The date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to finish.

This field is used to spread original data fields.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Finish date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually modified after the original baseline is set.

If Data Date is specified after the Planned Finish date is set and the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Planned Finish date to be the same date relative to Planned Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the activity's Planned Finish date.

Planned Finish (Work Package)

The date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Finish date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually modified after the original baseline is set.

If Data Date is specified after the Planned Finish date is set and the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Planned Finish date to be the same date relative to Planned Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the latest Planned Finish date of all activities in the work package.

Planned Labor Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Labor Units (Activity)

The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Lag (Activity Assignment)

The planned time lag between the activity's planned start date and the resource's planned start date on the activity.

Planned Material Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project.

Planned Response Cost (Risk)

The estimated cost associated with implementing the response action.

Planned Risk Response (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The estimated cost associated with implementing the response action.

Planned Risk Response (Cost Sheet)

The planned value required to respond to a risk.

Planned Start (Activity Assignment)

The planned start date for the assignment on the activity.

Planned Start (Activity)

The date the activity is scheduled to start.

This date the activity is scheduled to begin is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date cannot be changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Planned Start (Scope Assignment)

The date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to begin.

This field is used to spread original data fields.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Start date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually updated after the original baseline is set.

If the Data Date is specified, the date cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date.

If the Data Date is specified after the Planned Start date is set, the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%, that is Installed Quantity is zero, then the date inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the activity's Planned Start date.

Planned Start (Work Package)

The date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Start date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually updated after the original baseline is set.

If the Data Date is specified, the date cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date.

If the Data Date is specified after the Planned Start date is set, the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%, that is Installed Quantity is zero, then the date inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.

If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the earliest Planned Start date of all the activities in the work package.

Planned Total Cost (Activity)

The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses).

Planned Units (Activity Assignment)

The planned units of work for the resource assignment on the activity.

Planned Units/Time (Activity Assignment)

The planned units per time at which the resource is to perform work on the activity.

Planned Value Cost (Activity)

The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.

When an activity has assignments, the Planned Value Cost is calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by (Data Date of Current Project - Baseline Assignment Start Date) divided by (Baseline Assignment Finish Date - Baseline Assignment Start Date). Each assignment is then summed to the activity-level planned value.

The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Planned Value Cost (Activity)

The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Planned Value Cost (Project Budget)

The amount of approved capital spent on a scheduled portion of work on a project.

Planned Value Cost is often used for Earned Value Management.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Planned Value Cost (Schedule)

The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Planned Value Labor Units (Activity)

The portion of baseline labor units that are scheduled to be completed as of the project data date.

Calculated as Budget At Completion Labor Units multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.

Planned Value Labor Units (Schedule)

The portion of baseline labor units that are scheduled to be complete as of the project data date.

Planned Value Period Cost (Activity)

The incremental value of the approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.

Planned Value Period Units (Activity)

The incremental value of the planned units for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified project data date.

Planned Value Units (Activity)

The planned units for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified project data date.

Portfolio Approved Budget (Project Budget)

The budget currently approved for the project.

Current Approved Budget values are derived from the Proposed Budget set by the budget planner.

A Proposed Budget becomes the Approved Budget after the budget scenario has undergone the approval process. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Portfolio Proposed Budget (Project Budget)

The Proposed Budget for the project as allocated by the budget planner.

Project managers can measure the proposed budget for their projects against their own planned budgets and project forecasts.

If necessary, managers can request the planner make changes to the proposed budget allocated to their projects during budget plan scenario reviews.

Proposed Budget becomes the project's Approved Budget after the portfolio budget plan scenario is approved. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Post-Response Cost (Risk)

The estimated impact size that the risk will have on the project cost after implementing a response action.

Post-Response Exposure (Risk)

The mean post-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean post-response cost impact of the risk.

Pre-Response At-Completion Cost Mean Contribution (Risk Analysis)

The total amount the activity contributes to the project total mean at-completion cost

Pre-Response At-Completion Cost Standard Deviation (Risk Analysis)

How much the distribution of sampled at-completion costs deviates from the calculated mean at-completion cost.

Pre-Response At-Completion Cost Variance (Risk Analysis)

The at-completion cost variance.

Pre-Response Cost (Risk)

The estimated impact size that the risk will have on the project cost before implementing a response action.

Pre-Response Cost Variance (Risk Analysis)

The measure of project cost performance sampled during a risk analysis. It is calculated as the difference between the project's actual cost and the planned cost.

Pre-Response Criticality Index (Risk Analysis)

During risk analysis, tasks can join or leave the critical path. The criticality index expresses as a percentage, how often a particular task was on the critical path during the analysis.

Pre-Response Deterministic At-Completion Cost Probability (Risk Analysis)

The probability of achieving the deterministic at-completion cost.

Pre-Response Deterministic Finish Probability (Risk Analysis)

The probability of the project finishing on or before the deterministic finish date.

Pre-Response Deterministic Remaining Cost Probability (Risk Analysis)

The probability of achieving the project deterministic remaining cost.

Pre-Response Deterministic Remaining Duration Probability (Risk Analysis)

The probability of the project's remaining duration being less than or equal to the project remaining duration, calculated using fixed duration and date values.

Pre-Response Deterministic Start Probability (Risk Analysis)

The probability of the project starting on or before the deterministic start date.

Pre-Response Exposure (Risk)

The mean pre-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean pre-response cost impact of the risk.

Pre-Response Finish Standard Deviation (Risk Analysis)

How much the project finish dates deviate from the calculated mean finish date.

Pre-Response Maximum At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The maximum at-completion cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Maximum Finish (Risk Analysis)

The latest project finish date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Maximum Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The maximum project remaining cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Maximum Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The maximum project remaining duration sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Maximum Start (Risk Analysis)

The latest project start date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Mean At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The average at-completion cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Mean Finish (Risk Analysis)

The average project finish date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Mean Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The average project cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Mean Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The average project remaining duration sampled during risk analysis.

Pre-Response Mean Start (Risk Analysis)

The average project start date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Minimum At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The minimum at-completion cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Minimum Finish (Risk Analysis)

The earliest project finish date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Minimum Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The minimum project remaining cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Minimum Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The minimum project remaining duration sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Minimum Start (Risk Analysis)

The earliest project start date sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Optimistic At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The optimistic at-completion cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Optimistic Finish (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project finish date that corresponds to the defined optimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Optimistic Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The optimistic remaining cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response Optimistic Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The optimistic remaining duration calculated using the optimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Optimistic Start (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project start date that corresponds to the defined optimistic percentile.

Pre-Response P50 At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The P50 or median at-completion cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response P50 Finish (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project finish date that corresponds to the P50 or median percentile.

Pre-Response P50 Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The P50 or median remaining cost sampled during the risk analysis.

Pre-Response P50 Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The calculated median remaining duration.

Pre-Response P50 Start (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project start date that corresponds to the P50 or median percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic At-Completion Cost (Risk Analysis)

The pessimistic at-completion cost calculated using the pessimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic At-Completion Cost Contingency (Risk Analysis)

The difference between the pessimistic at-completion cost and the deterministic at-completion cost.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Finish (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project finish date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Finish Contingency (Risk Analysis)

The difference between the project pessimistic percentile finish date and the project deterministic finish date.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The pessimistic remaining cost calculated using the pessimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Remaining Cost Contingency (Risk Analysis)

The difference between the project pessimistic remaining cost and the project deterministic remaining cost.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The pessimistic remaining duration calculated using the pessimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Remaining Duration Contingency (Risk Analysis)

The difference between the project pessimistic percentile remaining duration and the project deterministic remaining duration.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Start (Risk Analysis)

The calculated project start date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile.

Pre-Response Pessimistic Start Contingency (Risk Analysis)

The difference between the project pessimistic percentile start date and the project deterministic start date.

Pre-Response Project Mean Cost Contribution (Risk Analysis)

The estimated average project cost impact before implementing a response action.

Pre-Response Project Mean Delay Contribution (Risk Analysis)

The estimated average project delay duration before implementing a response action.

Pre-Response Remaining Duration Standard Deviation (Risk Analysis)

How much the variation of remaining durations deviates from the calculated mean remaining duration.

Pre-Response Standard Deviation Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

How much the distribution of sampled project costs deviates from the calculated mean project cost.

Pre-Response Start Standard Deviation (Risk Analysis)

How much the variation of project start dates deviate from the calculated mean start date.

Previous Amount Approved (Payment Application)

The amount approved for all previously submitted payment applications.

Price/Unit (Activity Assignment)

The price per unit of time for the resource or role.

Prior Actual Cost (Activity Assignment)

The total actual costs incurred at the time of the last stored period performance. This represents the costs incurred from the last period closeout date.

Prior Actual Cost (Activity)

The total actual costs incurred at the time of the last stored period performance. This represents the costs incurred from the last period closeout date.

Prior Actual Labor Cost (Schedule)

The sum of the actual stored period labor costs on the activity.

Prior Actual Labor Units (Schedule)

The sum of the actual stored period units for all labor resource assignments on the activity.

Prior Actual Material Cost (Schedule)

The sum of the actual stored period material costs on the activity.

Prior Actual Nonlabor Cost (Schedule)

The sum of the actual stored period nonlabor costs on the activity.

Prior Actual Nonlabor Units (Schedule)

The sum of the actual stored period units for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity.

Prior Actual Total Cost (Schedule)

The aggregated total of all labor, nonlabor and material costs on the activity.

Prior Actual Units (Activity)

The total actual units incurred at the time of the last stored period performance. This represents the total units incurred from the last period closeout date.

Problem or Opportunity (Program)

A detailed description of the problem or opportunity the program addresses.

Production Rate (Budget Item)

The number of hours per unit of measure needed to complete the budget item.

Production Rate (Budget Transaction)

The number of hours per unit of measure needed to complete the budget line item.

Proficiency (Activity Assignment)

The skill level of the resource an activity is assigned to. The valid values are Master, Expert, Skilled, Proficient, and Inexperienced.

Profitability Index (Project Budget)

The index based on the value of a project's present values divided by initial project investments.

Program Planned Finish (Program)

The finish date for the time phased Planned Budget of the program.

Planned Budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed.

Program Planned Start (Program)

The start date for the time phased Planned Budget of the program.

Planned Budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed.

The Program Planned Start also represents the earliest date that activities can occur within a program schedule.

Project Actual Hours

The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

Project Actual Hours

The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).

Project CPI

The measure of a project's cost efficiency.

A value of less than 1 indicates the project is over budget, while a value greater than 1 indicates the project is under budget.

Project Currency (Project)

The currency used by the project. The project currency can differ from the base currency.

Project Current Actuals

Total costs accrued on a project within a given time period.

The Actual Cost data for the project's life cycle is pulled from the P6 EPPM schedule.

Actual Cost data is only available when the application is connected with P6 EPPM and is not editable.

Project Current Budget

The total approved current manual budget of a project. Calculated as the sum of Approved Original Manual Budget plus Approved Manual Budget Changes plus Approved Manual Budget Transfers.

Project Current Budget (Project Budget)

The total cost of the project budget, including all transfers and changes. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Project Current Commitments

The total cost of all approved commitments and approved change commitments on the project.

Project Current Commitments (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost of all approved commitments and approved change commitments on the project.

Project Current Commitments (Cost Sheet)

The sum of the approved original commitments and the approved commitment changes.

Project Current Contracts

The total cost of all approved contracts and approved change contracts for the project.

Project Current Contracts (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The total cost for all current project contracts.

Project Current Contracts (Cost Sheet)

The total of all approved contracts and approved contract changes.

Project Earned Cost

The value of work performed on a project in reference to the approved budget for the project.

The cost value used for the Earned Value Management of a project.

Earned Value Management allows project managers to quantify project progress and objectively measure a project's success.

Project Earned Hours

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.

Project Earned Hours

Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.

Project Finish (Project)

The date on which all project work is complete.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Project HPI

Calculated as the total of Project Earned Hours divided by Project Actual Hours.

Calculated as the total of Project Earned Hours divided by Project Actual Hours.

Project HPI

Calculated as the total of Project Earned Hours divided by Project Actual Hours.

Project Mean Cost Increase (Risk Analysis)

Mean cost increase of the project.

Project Mean Cost Increase% (Risk Analysis)

Percentage mean cost increase of the project.

Project Mean Delay % (Risk Analysis)

The average delay percentage of the remaining duration for the project.

Calculated as Project Mean Delay divided by Project Remaining Duration multiplied by 100.

Project Mean Delay (Risk Analysis)

The average project delay duration sampled during the risk analysis.

Calculated as Mean Remaining Duration minus Project Remaining Duration.

Project Original Budget (Project Budget)

The total original cost of the project budget, before transfers and changes. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Project Planned Finish (Project)

The finish date for the time phased Planned Budget of the project.

Planned Budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed.

Project Planned Start (Project)

The start date for the time phased Planned Budget of the project.

Planned Budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed.

The Project Planned Start also represents the earliest date that activities can occur within a project schedule.

Project Response Actual Cost (Risk Analysis)

The project total direct response actual cost at the time the risk analysis as run.

Project Response Remaining Cost (Risk Analysis)

The project total direct response remaining cost at the time the risk analysis as run.

Project Start (Project)

The date on which work on the project starts.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Promised Date (Task Constraint)

The date by which the responsible party has agreed to resolve the constraint.

Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The total Proposed Budget for the portfolio as allocated by the budget planner.

Planners can plan proposed budgets in a bottom-up or top-down style.

Not all projects in the portfolio need to have Planned Budgets for planners to begin planning and setting proposed budget values.

Instead, by setting an overall plan Proposed Budget and allocating out its funds to included projects, planners can achieve top-down budget planning.

Similarly, project Planned Budgets and Forecast values can be linked to the Proposed Budget of a budget plan, allowing planners to establish project manager's budgets as a basis for their planning.

Becomes the portfolio's Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario is approved.

The Proposed Budget for the project as allocated by the portfolio budget planner.

Project managers can measure the proposed budget for their projects against their own planned budgets and project forecasts.

If necessary, managers can request the planner make changes to the proposed budget allocated to their projects during budget plan scenario reviews.

Becomes the projects Current Approved Budget after the portfolio budget plan scenario is approved.

Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The Proposed Budget for the project as allocated by the portfolio budget planner.

Project managers can measure the proposed budget for their projects against their own planned budgets and project forecasts.

If necessary, managers can request the planner make changes to the proposed budget allocated to their projects during budget plan scenario reviews.

Becomes the projects Current Approved Budget after the portfolio budget plan scenario is approved.

Proposed Budget (Present Value) (Project Budget)

The present value, also known as discounted value, of the portfolio proposed budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Proposed Budget Finish (Project)

The finish date for the Proposed Budget of the project.

Proposed Budget Start (Project)

The start date for the Proposed Budget of the project.

Proposed Due Date (Task)

The date proposed for the task due date. Proposed Due Dates do not affect task Due Dates until they are accepted.

Proposed Role Allocation (Resource Demand)

The total role allocation units proposed.

Quantity (Actual Line Item)

The quantity of the actual line item.

If Total is entered, you cannot enter Quantity. If a Unit Price is entered, Quantity must be entered.

If a Unit of Measure is selected, the Quantity value is displayed as Quantity of Measure.

Quantity (Budget Item)

The number of each budget item needed to complete the work.

Quantity (Budget Transaction)

The number of each budget line item needed to complete the work.

Quantity (Change Order)

The number of units represented by the line item.

The number of units represented by the change order line item.

Quantity (Change Order)

The number of units represented by the change order line item.

Quantity (Commitment)

The number of units represented by the line item.

The number of units represented by the line item.

Quantity (Commitment)

The number of units represented by the line item.

Quantity (Contract)

The number of units represented by the line item.

The number of units represented by the schedule of values.

Quantity (Contract)

The number of units represented by the schedule of values.

Quantity (Potential Change Order)

The quantity of the proposal line item.

Quantity Weight (Scope Assignment)

This value is used to calculate Scope Percent Complete at the work package level if Scope Percent Complete Weight Method is set to Quantity.

Calculated as Scope Percent Complete multiplied by Revised Quantity.

Question (Potential Change Order)

The question, which can only be modified while it is a draft.

Rate Source (Activity Assignment)

The value that indicates which Price/Unit will be used to calculate costs for the assignment. Valid options are Resource, Role, or Override.

Rate Type (Activity Assignment)

Identifies the Resource or Role rate to be used as a default when creating activity resource assignments.

Reasons Missed (Task)

The names of the reasons for recommitting to a task.

Reference Number (Commitment)

An optional value that can be used to sort and group commitments.

Reference Number (Contract)

An optional value that can be used to sort and group contracts.

Rejected By (Budget Change Request)

The username of the user that rejected the item.

Rejected By (Budget Transfer)

The username of the user that rejected the item.

Rejected By (Project Budget)

The user who rejected the budget.

Rejected Date (Budget Change Request)

Date the item was rejected.

Rejected Date (Budget Transfer)

Date the item was rejected.

Rejected Date (Project Budget)

The date the budget was rejected.

Relationship Early Finish (Activity Relationship)

The first work period after the relationship Early Start plus any Relationship Lag. Calculated using the relationship calendar as Relationship Early Start plus Relationship Remaining Lag.

Relationship Early Start (Activity Relationship)

The relationship's Early Start is the predecessor activity's Early Finish. Calculated using the relationship calendar as the first work period after either the predecessor's Early Finish date (Finish to Start and Finish to Finish relationship types) or the predecessor's Early Start date (Start to Finish and Start to Start relationship types).

Relationship Free Float (Activity Relationship)

For predecessors, the Relationship Free Float is the Free Float on the relationship calculated using the predecessor activity's calendar as Relationship Successor Early Start minus Relationship Early Finish. For successors, the Relationship Free Float is the Free Float of the potential successor activity if the relationship is determined to be the driving relationship using the successor activity's calendar. Calculated using the successor activity's calendar as Relationship Successor Early Start minus Relationship Early Finish.

Relationship Late Finish (Activity Relationship)

Relationship Late Finish is calculated using the relationship calendar as the first work period before the successor activity's Late Start date.

Relationship Late Start (Activity Relationship)

Relationship Late Start is calculated using the relationship calendar as the Relationship Late Finish minus Remaining Relationship Lag.

Relationship Successor Free Float (Activity Relationship)

The Relationship Successor Free Float is the free float of the potential successor activity if that specific relationship is the driving relationship. Calculated using the successor calendar as either Relationship Successor Early Start minus Relationship Early Finish (assuming a Finish to Start or Start to Start relationship type) or Relationship Successor Early Finish minus Relationship Early Finish (assuming a Start to Finish or Finish to Finish relationship type).

Relationship Successor Total Float (Activity Relationship)

The Relationship Successor Total Float is the total float of the potential successor activity if that specific relationship is the driving relationship. Calculated using the successor activity's calendar as the Relationship Late Finish minus Relationship Early Finish.

Relationship Total Float (Activity Relationship)

For predecessors, the Relationship Total Float is the Total Float on the relationship calculated using the predecessor activity's calendar as Relationship Late Start minus Relationship Early Start. For successors, the Relationship Total Float is the Total Float of the potential successor activity if the relationship is determined to be the driving relationship using the successor activity's calendar. Calculated using the successor activity's calendar as successor activity's Relationship Late Date minus Relationship Successor Early Date.

Relationship Type (Activity Relationship)

The relationship type defining the behavior between two activities. The valid values are Finish to Start, Finish to Finish, Start to Start, and Start to Finish.

Remaining (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has not been consumed.

Remaining Cost - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The project remaining total cost plus unmapped response action remaining costs at the time the risk analysis as run.

Remaining Cost (Activity Assignment)

The remaining cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Remaining Cost (Project Budget)

The remaining total cost for the project, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses.

This value can be imported.

Remaining Cost (Scope Assignment)

The amount left to be spent.

If Rate By set to Hours, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Hours multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.

If Rate By set to Quantity, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.

Remaining Cost (Work Package)

The amount left to be spent.

If Rate By set to Hours, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Hours multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.

If Rate By set to Quantity, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Remaining Duration - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity remaining duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Remaining Duration (Activity Assignment)

The remaining working time for the resource assignment on the activity, from the resource's remaining start date to the remaining finish date.

Remaining Duration (Activity)

The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date.

Remaining Duration (Project)

The duration between the Project Start and Project Finish.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Remaining Duration (Risk Analysis)

The project schedule remaining duration at the time the risk analysis was run.

Remaining Early Finish (Activity)

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish.

If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project.

Remaining Early Finish (Project)

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the Remaining Finish is the same as the Planned Finish. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Finish is blank.

Remaining Early Finish (Scope Assignment)

The earliest date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to finish.

If there is no activity link, before the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Original Finish date. After the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Revised Finish date.

This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.

If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the activity's Remaining Early Finish date.

This field is used to spread Remaining data fields.

Remaining Early Finish (Work Package)

The earliest date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Early Finish date of all its scope assignments. If the work package does not have scope assignments, the field is populated the Original Finish date before the original baseline is set and the Revised Finish date after the original baseline is set.

This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.

If there is an activity linked, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Early Finish date of all linked activities.

Remaining Early Start (Activity)

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start.

Remaining Early Start (Project)

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, the Remaining Start is the same as the Project Planned Start. Once the activity has started, the Remaining Start is equal to the Data Date. When the activity is complete, the Remaining Start is blank.

Remaining Early Start (Scope Assignment)

The earliest date the work on the scope assignment is scheduled to begin.

If there is no activity link, before the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Original Start date. After the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run if the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete is not equal to 100%.

This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.

If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the activity's Remaining Early Start date.

This field is used to spread Remaining data fields.

Remaining Early Start (Work Package)

The earliest date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.

If the work package does not have scope assignments, before the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Original Start date. After the original baseline is set, it inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run if the work package's Scope Percent Complete is not equal to 100%.

This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.

If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the earliest Remaining Early Start date of all linked activities.

Remaining Float (Activity)

The amount of time remaining in which the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as Late Finish minus Remaining Finish.

Remaining Hours (Scope Assignment)

The number of hours left for the scope assignment.

Calculated as Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.

Remaining Hours (Work Package)

The number of hours left for the scope assignment.

Calculated as Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Remaining Labor Cost (Activity)

The remaining cost for all labor resource assignments on the activity.

Remaining Labor Units (Activity)

The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

The Remaining Labor Units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, the remaining units are zero.

Remaining Lag (Activity Assignment)

The time lag between the activity's remaining start date and the resource's remaining start date on the activity.

Remaining Late Finish (Activity Assignment)

The latest possible date the assignment must be finished to not delay the project finish date.

Remaining Late Finish (Activity)

The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.

Remaining Late Finish (Scope Assignment)

The latest possible date work on the scope assignment must finish to not delay the finish date.

If there is no activity link, this field is always equal to the Remaining Early Finish date.

If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the activity's Remaining Late Finish date.

This field is used to spread Remaining data fields.

Remaining Late Finish (Work Package)

The latest possible date work on the work package must finish to not delay the finish date.

If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Late Finish date of all its scope assignments. If the work package does not have scope assignments, the field is populated with the Remaining Early Finish date.

If there is an activity linked, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Late Finish date of all linked activities.

Remaining Late Start (Activity Assignment)

The latest possible date the assignment must begin to not delay the project finish date.

Remaining Late Start (Activity)

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationship, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Remaining Late Start (Scope Assignment)

The latest possible date work on the scope assignment must begin without delaying the finish date.

If there is no activity link, this field is always equal to the Remaining Early Start date.

If there is any activity link, this field is populated with the activity's Remaining Late Start date.

This field is used to spread Remaining data fields.

Remaining Late Start (Work Package)

The latest possible date work on the work package must begin without delaying the finish date.

If there is no activity link, this field is always equal to the Remaining Late Start date of all scope assignments in the work package. If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Remaining Early Start date.

If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the earliest Remaining Late Start date of all activities.

Remaining Late Units (Activity Assignment)

The number of units remaining to be worked on for the assignment distributed over the late start and late finish dates.

Remaining Material Cost (Activity)

The remaining cost for all material resource assignments on the activity.

Remaining Nonlabor Cost (Activity)

The remaining cost for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity.

Remaining Nonlabor Units (Activity)

The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

The remaining units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, there are zero remaining units.

Remaining Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The quantity remaining for the scope assignment.

Calculated as Revised Quantity minus Installed Quantity.

Remaining Quantity (Scope Item)

The quantity remaining for the scope item.

Calculated as Revised Quantity for the scope item minus the sum of Installed Quantity for the scope item's assignments.

Remaining Total Cost - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity remaining total cost at the time the risk analysis was run.

Remaining Total Cost (Activity)

The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.

Remaining Units (Activity Assignment)

The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.

The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.

Calculated as Planned Units minus Actual Units.

Remaining Units (Activity Assignment)

The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.

Calculated as Planned Units minus Actual Units.

Remaining Units/Time (Activity Assignment)

The units per time required for the resource assignment to complete the activity.

Reopened By (Potential Change Order)

The user who reopened the question.

Resource Type (Activity Assignment)

The resource type. Valid values are Labor, Nonlabor, and Material.

Response Context (Risk Analysis)

The type of risk analysis scenario run on the project.

Pre-Response: A quantitative risk analysis that doesn't take into account the impact of defined risk response plans.

Post-Response: A quantitative risk analysis that takes into account the impact of defined risk response plans.

Pre- and Post-Response: A quantitative risk analysis that uses both scenarios.

Responsible Company (Task Constraint)

The company associated with the responsible party.

Responsible Party (Task Constraint)

The user who is responsible for resolving the constraint.

Restricted User

Indicates that the user can only access records associated with the assigned company.

Resume Date (Activity)

The date when a suspended task or activity is resumed.

Resume Date (Risk Analysis)

The activity resume date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Retainage (Change Order)

The amount of money retained by the payer for the work completed.

Retainage (Commitment)

The amount of money retained for the work completed on the line item.

Retainage (Contract)

The percentage of the cost that is retained until the associated contract is complete.

Return on Investment (Project Budget)

The percentage resulting from division of the expected returns of an investment by the investment costs of a project or portfolio.

For example, a project is expected to cost 1.0 million dollars with a total benefit of 1.2 million dollars. Its Net Present Value is $200,000. The Return on Investment is 20%.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Revised Cost (Scope Assignment)

The Original Cost before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Cost equals Original Cost plus Approved Change Cost.

Revised Cost (Work Package)

The Original Cost before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Cost equals Original Cost plus Approved Change Cost.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Revised Cost Rate (Scope Assignment)

The cost rate used in the cost calculation of the scope assignment based on current values.

If Rate By set to Hours, then Revised Cost Rate equals Revised Cost divided by Revised Hours.

If Rate By set to Quantity, then Revised Cost Rate equals Revised Cost divided by Revised Quantity.

Revised Finish (Scope Assignment)

The revised finish date for the scope assignment.

It is always the latest finish of the scope assignment's Planned Finish date and all approved Change Finish dates.

This field is used to spread Revised data fields.

Revised Finish (Work Package)

The revised finish date for the work package.

If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Original Finish date until the original baseline is set.

When the Modify Dates feature is run after the original baseline is set, the Revised Start date is before the Data Date, and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%, the Revised Finish date is updated to be the same date relative to the Revised Start date as it was before the Data Date was modified.

If the work package has scope assignments, the date is always the latest finish of its scope assignments' Planned Finish dates and all approved Change Finish dates.

Revised Finish Date (Commitment)

The revised date by which the work contracted is scheduled to be finished. The Finish Date value is not affected by project calendars.

Revised Finish Date (Contract)

Calculated as the contract's Finish Date plus the sum of the Time Change for all approved change orders for the contract.

Revised Hours (Scope Assignment)

Original Hours before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Hours is equal to Original Hours plus Approved Change Hours.

Original Hours before the baseline set. After the baseline, Revised Hours is equal to Original Hours plus Approved Change Hours.

Revised Hours (Scope Assignment)

Original Hours before the baseline set. After the baseline, Revised Hours is equal to Original Hours plus Approved Change Hours.

Revised Hours (Scope Item)

The total number of hours needed to complete all the work on a scope item, including any approved changes. This value equals the Original Hours before the original baseline is set.

Calculated as the sum of Original Hours plus Approved Changed Hours, if any.

Revised Hours (Work Package)

Original Hours before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Hours is equal to Original Hours plus Approved Change Hours.

This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.

Revised Performance Period (Commitment)

The period between when the performance period started and the latest approved change order against the commitment.

Revised Performance Period (Contract)

The period between when the performance period started and the latest approved change order against the contract.

Revised Productivity Rate (Scope Assignment)

The number of hours it will take to install or assemble the product or material per unit based on current values.

Calculated as Revised Hours divided by Revised Quantity.

This value is recalculated if Revised Quantity or Revised Hours are changed.

Revised Productivity Rate (Scope Item)

The number of hours required to install a single quantity of the scope item material or product based on current values.

For example, if the product is 1,000 feet of cable it may be estimated to take 2 hours install one foot of cable.

This field is recalculated if Current Hours are changed.

Revised Quantity (Scope Assignment)

The total quantity that has been revised to account for approved changes for a scope assignment. This value equals the Original Quantity before the original baseline is set.

Calculated as Original Quantity plus Approved Change Quantity. Revised Quantity equals the Original Quantity before the original is baseline set.

Revised Quantity (Scope Item)

The total quantity that has been revised to account for approved changes for a scope item.

Calculated as Original Quantity plus Approved Change Quantity. Revised Quantity equals the Original Quantity before the original is baseline set.

Revised Start (Scope Assignment)

The revised start date for the scope assignment.

It is always the earliest start of the scope assignment's Planned Start date and all approved Change Start dates.

This field is used to spread Revised data fields.

Revised Start (Work Package)

The revised start date for the work package.

If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Original Start date until the original baseline is set.

This field is populated with the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run after the original baseline is set if the Revised Start date is before the Data Date and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%.

If the work package has scope assignments, is always the earliest start of its scope assignments' Planned Start dates and all approved Change Start dates.

Revised Start Date (Commitment)

The revised date by which work on the agreement is expected to start.

Revised Start Date (Contract)

The revised date by which the work contracted is scheduled to begin.

Risk Closed Post-Response Exposure (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The mean post-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean post-response cost impact of the risk.

Risk Closed Pre-Response Exposure (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The mean pre-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean pre-response cost impact of the risk.

Risk Level (Project)

The risk level assigned to the project.

Projects can have a risk level of very high, high, medium, low, or very low.

You can use risk level to determine what projects should be included in your plans, as well as which projects should be of priority.

Risk Open Post-Response Exposure (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The mean post-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean post-response cost impact of the risk.

Risk Open Pre-Response Exposure (Actual Risk Response Cost)

The mean pre-response probability of the risk multiplied by the mean pre-response cost impact of the risk.

Risk Score (Project)

The risk score value is based on the probability and impacts of a risk. It is derived from the probability impact matrix and any associated rules.

Role Committed (Resource Demand)

The sum of committed units for a given project - role demand.

Role Demand (Resource Demand)

The sum of the demand units entered for a single role.

Schedule Check - Dangling Finish (Activity)

An activity with a dangling finish has only SF or SS successors and therefore could have an unrealistic finish date. To avoid dangling finishes, ensure each activity has at least one FS or SS relationship as its successor.

Schedule Check - Dangling Start (Activity)

An activity with a dangling start has only SF or FF predecessors and therefore could have an unrealistic start date. To avoid dangling starts, ensure each activity has at least one FS or SS relationship as its predecessor.

Schedule Check - FF Predecessor (Activity)

Finish-to-Finish (FF) relationships are acceptable to use in moderation.

Schedule Check - FS Predecessor (Activity)

Finish-to-Start (FS) relationships are the easiest to trace and understand. The majority of your relationships should be FS.

Schedule Check - Hard Constraint (Activity)

Mandatory Start and Mandatory Finish are hard constraints that prevent activities from being scheduled according to logic and prevent delays from impacting succeeding activities. The effects of hard constraints become more noticeable as the schedule is progressed, and they generally should not be used.

Schedule Check - Invalid Progress Date (Activity)

Progress should be recorded before the Data Date, and planned work should be recorded after. Activities with invalid dates can affect the accuracy of the project schedule.

Schedule Check - Large Duration (Activity)

Large duration activities are harder to manage and may lack sufficient detail. Consider dividing these activities into shorter, more discrete activities, which provide better insight into cost and schedule.

Schedule Check - Large Float (Activity)

Large float values may indicate missing activity relationships. Provide activities with reasonable logic to ensure a more stable project plan.

Schedule Check - Late Activity (Activity)

Late activities indicate how well the project is performing against the earned value baseline.

Schedule Check - Negative Float (Activity)

Negative float usually indicates an activity constraint that cannot be met with the current schedule or progress has been made out of sequence. Corrective action should be taken to ensure activity dates are accurate and achievable.

Schedule Check - No Predecessors (Activity)

An activity with no predecessors could be scheduled to start immediately. This can negatively impact your project schedule and should be avoided.

Schedule Check - No Roles or Resources (Activity)

Roles and resources detail the cost and labor of the work to be performed. An activity without roles or resources may be insufficiently planned.

Schedule Check - No Successors (Activity)

An activity with no successor relationships could be delayed indefinitely without affecting project completion. Ensure all activities have at least one successor.

Schedule Check - Open Ends (Activity)

An activity without a predecessor or successor relationship may negatively affect the quality of your schedule and should be avoided.

Schedule Check - Predecessor Lag (Activity)

Lag time between activities should not be used to control float or constrain dates. Consider representing the delay between two activities by adding another activity.

Schedule Check - Predecessor Negative Lag (Activity)

The use of negative lags to overlap activities or adjust successor dates can affect the critical path and distort total float. It can also cause a successor to start before a predecessor. Negative lags can cause activities to be scheduled in unrealistic ways and generally should not be used.

Schedule Check - SF Predecessor (Activity)

Start-to-Finish (SF) relationship logic says the successor occurs before the predecessor. SF relationships are a poor practice and generally should not be used.

Schedule Check - Soft Constraint (Activity)

Soft constraints allow the schedule to be logic driven but can distort float and create negative float.

Schedule Check - SS Predecessor (Activity)

Start-to-Start (SS) relationships are acceptable to use in moderation.

Schedule Finish Date (Risk Analysis)

The project schedule finish date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Schedule Health - Dangling Finish % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project that only have Start-to-Finish or Start-to-Start successor relationships. If the activity type is Level of Effort, the activity is counted if all of the following are true: No Finish-to-Finish predecessor; No Finish-to-Finish successor; No Start-to-Finish predecessor; No Finish-to-Start successor. If the activity type is Milestone, the activity is not counted.

Schedule Health - Dangling Finish activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project that only have Start-to-Finish or Start-to-Start successor relationships. If the activity type is Level of Effort, the activity is counted if all of the following are true: No Finish-to-Finish predecessor; No Finish-to-Finish successor; No Start-to-Finish predecessor; No Finish-to-Start successor. If the activity type is Milestone, the activity is not counted.

Schedule Health - Dangling Start % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project that only have Start-to-Finish or Finish-to-Finish predecessor relationships. If the activity type is Level of Effort, the activity is counted if all of the following are true: No Start-to-Start predecessor; No Start-to-Start successor; No Start-to-Finish successor; No Finish-to-Start predecessor. If the activity type is Milestone, the activity is not counted.

Schedule Health - Dangling Start activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project that only have Start-to-Finish or Finish-to-Finish predecessor relationships. If the activity type is Level of Effort, the activity is counted if all of the following are true: No Start-to-Start predecessor; No Start-to-Start successor; No Start-to-Finish successor; No Finish-to-Start predecessor. If the activity type is Milestone, the activity is not counted.

Schedule Health - FF Predecessor % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Finish-to-Finish (FF).

Schedule Health - FF Predecessor activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Finish-to-Finish (FF).

Schedule Health - FS Predecessor % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Finish-to-Start (FS).

Schedule Health - FS Predecessor activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Finish-to-Start (FS).

Schedule Health - Hard Constraint % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with a primary constraint of Mandatory Start or Mandatory Finish.

Schedule Health - Hard Constraint activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with a primary constraint of Mandatory Start or Mandatory Finish.

Schedule Health - Invalid Progress Date % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with invalid progress. An activity is included in the count if any of the following are true: Activity Planned Start less than Data Date; Activity Planned Finish less than or equal to Data Date; Activity Actual Start greater than or equal to Data Date; Activity Actual Finish greater than Data Date.

Schedule Health - Invalid Progress Date activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with invalid progress. An activity is included in the count if any of the following are true: Activity Planned Start less than Data Date; Activity Planned Finish less than or equal to Data Date; Activity Actual Start greater than or equal to Data Date; Activity Actual Finish greater than Data Date.

Schedule Health - Large Duration % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with an Activity Remaining Duration that meets or exceeds the given criteria value. The default value is 320h.

Schedule Health - Large Duration activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with an Activity Remaining Duration that meets or exceeds the given criteria value. The default value is 320h.

Schedule Health - Large Float % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with an Activity Total Float that meets or exceeds the given criteria value. The default value is 320h.

Schedule Health - Large Float activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with an Activity Total Float that meets or exceeds the given criteria value. The default value is 320h.

Schedule Health - Late Activity % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with an Activity Baseline Finish Variance less than 0 or without a set activity baseline.

Schedule Health - Late Activity activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with an Activity Baseline Finish Variance less than 0 or without a set activity baseline.

Schedule Health - Negative Float % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with a total float less than 0.

Schedule Health - Negative Float activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with a total float less than 0.

Schedule Health - No Predecessor % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project without predecessors.

Schedule Health - No Predecessor activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project without predecessors.

Schedule Health - No Roles or Resources % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project without role or resource assignments.

Schedule Health - No Roles or Resources activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project without role or resource assignments.

Schedule Health - No Successor % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project without successors.

Schedule Health - No Successor activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project without successors.

Schedule Health - Open Ends % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project without predecessors or successors.

Schedule Health - Open Ends activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project without predecessors or successors.

Schedule Health - Overall Health % (Project)

The weighted aggregation of active check values that represents the overall quality of your project. A higher schedule health score indicates a higher quality schedule. Calculated as 100% - (Sum of [Check Adjusted Percentage * Check Weighting] / Sum of all active check weighting values)

Schedule Health - Predecessor Lag % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a lag greater than 0.

Schedule Health - Predecessor Lag activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a lag greater than 0.

Schedule Health - Predecessor Negative Lag % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a lag less than 0.

Schedule Health - Predecessor Negative Lag activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a lag less than 0.

Schedule Health - SF Predecessor % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Start-to-Finish (SF).

Schedule Health - SF Predecessor activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Start-to-Finish (SF).

Schedule Health - Soft Constraint % (Project)

The percentage of activities in the project with a primary constraint of As Late As Possible, Finish On, Finish On or After, Finish On or Before, Start On, Start On or After, or Start On or Before.

Schedule Health - Soft Constraint activity count (Project)

The number of activities in the project with a primary constraint of As Late As Possible, Finish On, Finish On or After, Finish On or Before, Start On, Start On or After, or Start On or Before.

Schedule Health - SS Predecessor % (Project)

The percentage of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Start-to-Start (SS).

Schedule Health - SS Predecessor activity count (Project)

The number of predecessor relationships in the project with a type of Start-to-Start (SS).

Schedule Impact (Potential Change Order)

The schedule impact of the potential change order.

The schedule impact of the potential change order proposal.

Schedule Impact (Potential Change Order)

The schedule impact of the potential change order proposal.

Schedule Must Finish By Date (Project)

The latest date on which the scheduled activities must be complete for a project.

Schedule Percent Complete (Activity)

The activity schedule percent complete specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration is complete so far.

With an earned value baseline selected, the schedule percent complete value is calculated based on where the current data date falls relative to the activity's project baseline start and finish dates.

Calculated as (Data Date - Baseline Start Date) / (Baseline Finish Date - Baseline Start Date).

If the data date is earlier than the baseline start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the baseline finish, the schedule percent complete is 100.

Without an earned value baseline selected, the schedule percent complete value will use the activity planned dates and will be calculated based on where the current data date falls relative each activity's planned start and finish dates.

Calculated as (Data Date - Planned Start Date) / (Planned Finish Date - Planned Start Date).

If the data date is earlier than the planned start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the planned finish, the schedule percent complete is 100.

Schedule Percent Complete (Schedule)

The activity schedule percent complete, which specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration is complete so far.

Calculated as Data Date minus Baseline Start divided by Baseline Finish minus Baseline Start.

If the data date is earlier than the baseline start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the baseline finish, the schedule percent complete is 100. The schedule percent complete indicates how much of the activity duration should currently be complete, relative to the selected project baseline.

Schedule Performance Index (Project Budget)

The measure of the work accomplished as a percentage of the work scheduled on a project.

Schedule Performance Index indicates whether you are meeting earned and planned values within your project schedule.

A value less than 1 indicates that less work was performed than was scheduled. A value greater than 1 indicates the project is ahead of schedule.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported.

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) (Activity)

The ratio of the approved budget for the work performed to the approved budget of the work planned. The SPI reflects the relative amount the project is ahead or behind schedule, and is also referred to as the project's schedule efficiency.

A value greater than 1 indicates you are ahead of schedule. A value equal to 1 indicates you are on schedule. A value less than 1 indicates you are behind schedule.

Calculated as Earned Value divided by Planned Value.

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) (Schedule)

The ratio of the approved budget for the work performed for the approved budget of the work planned. The SPI shows the relative amount the project is ahead or behind schedule.

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) Labor Units (Activity)

The ratio of the earned value of labor units to the planned value of labor units.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.

Schedule Performance Index Labor Units (Schedule)

The ratio of the earned value of labor units to the planned value of labor units.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.

Schedule Variance (Activity)

A measure of activity schedule performance. The difference between the amount budgeted for the work you actually did and the work you planned to do.

Indicates how much you are ahead or behind schedule. A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.

Calculated as Earned Value minus Planned Value.

Schedule Variance (Project Budget)

The measure of schedule performance on a project.

A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.

This value can be entered manually or can be imported. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Schedule Variance (Schedule)

The difference between the amounts budgeted for the work you actually did and the work you planned to do. The SV shows whether you are ahead or behind schedule and is indicative only. An SV calculated as greater than 0 shows you are good and ahead of schedule.

Schedule Variance Index (Activity)

The ratio of the schedule variance and the work scheduled to be performed.

Calculated as Schedule Variance divided by Planned Value.

Schedule Variance Labor Units (Activity)

The difference between the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units minus Planned Value Labor Units.

Scheduled Finish Date (Project)

The calculated latest early finish date, which is based on the schedule most recently generated for the project.

Scheduled Value (Change Order)

The current value of the line item.

Scheduled Value (Commitment)

The total value of the line item.

Scheduled Value (Contract)

The total cost represented by the schedule of values.

Scope Percent Complete (Activity)

The percentage completion of the scope assignments linked to the activity.

Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

Scope Percent Complete (Scope Assignment)

Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

Scope Percent Complete (Scope Item)

Sum of Quantity Completed Weight for the scope items assigned to work packages divided by Revised Quantity for the scope item.

Scope Percent Complete (Work Package)

The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values. Cost, Quantity, and Hours are represented as n in the equations that follow.

The n weight is first calculated for each scope assignment in the work package as Revised n multiplied by the scope assignment Scope Percent Complete.

Scope Percent Complete is calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

The sum of the scope assignments Revised n and the sum of the scope assignments n Weight for all scope assignments in the work package are then used to compute the work package Scope Percent Complete. This is calculated as the n Weight divided by Revised n.

Weight for the Manual option is calculated as Manual Weight Factor multiplied by Scope Percent Complete.

Scope Percent Complete at the work package level for the manual option is calculated as the sum of Manual Weight divided by the sum of Manual Weight Factors for all scope assignments in the work package.

Scope Percent Complete Weight Method (Project)

The weight for scope items is calculated using quantity.

Scope Percent Complete Weight Method (Work Package)

The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values. Cost, Quantity, and Hours are represented as n in the equations that follow.

The n weight is first calculated for each scope assignment in the work package as Revised n multiplied by the scope assignment Scope Percent Complete.

Scope Percent Complete is calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.

The sum of the scope assignments Revised n and the sum of the scope assignments n Weight for all scope assignments in the work package are then used to compute the work package Scope Percent Complete. This is calculated as the n Weight divided by Revised n.

Completed Weight for the Manual option is calculated as Manual Weight multiplied by Scope Percent Complete.

Scope Percent Complete at the work package level for the manual option is calculated as the sum of Manual Completed Weight divided by the sum of Manual Weight for all scope assignments in the work package.

Score (Project Evaluation)

The evaluation score of a project per category and sub-category.

The sub-category score formula is calculated as the selected Rank Weight % multiplied by the given sub-category Weight % divided by 100.

The category score formula is calculated as the sum of the sub-category Scores. If a given sub-category does not have a score, its score is 0.

Slack (Task)

The amount of time between a predecessor task's due date and its successor task's start date. This is a read-only field.

Spend Finish Date (Program)

The finish date for the program actuals.

Spend Start Date (Program)

The start date for the program actuals.

Staffed Remaining Cost (Activity Assignment)

The remaining cost for resource assignments that have a filled role.

Staffed Remaining Units (Activity Assignment)

The remaining units for resource assignments that have filled a role.

Start - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity start date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Start (Activity Assignment)

The start date for the activity assignment.

Start (Activity)

The current start date of the activity.

For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.

Start (Budget Planning)

The start date for each cost curve row.

The start displays the start date of the corresponding cost curve type.

For example, the start for a current approved budget row is the current approved budget start date.

Start Date (Activity)

The reporting period start date.

Start Date (Commitment)

The date by which the work represented by the commitment is scheduled to be started.

Start Date (Contract)

The date by which the work contracted is scheduled to be started.

Start Date (Funds)

The date when money in the fund will start being available.

Start Date (Risk Analysis)

The project start date at the time the risk analysis was run.

Start Date (Task)

The date when the task is set to begin.

If the task is set to allow non-work days, the date is calculated as Due Date minus Duration plus 1 day.

If the task is not set to allow non-work days, the date is calculated as Due Date minus the sum of Duration plus Non-Work Days, plus 1 day.

This is a read-only field.


The status of the idea. Valid values are Draft, Submitted, Owner Assigned, Accepted, Project Proposal, and Rejected.

The current status of the strategy node. Active: The strategy node is available for use. Inactive: The strategy node is not available for use.


The current status of the strategy node. Active: The strategy node is available for use. Inactive: The strategy node is not available for use.

Status - Dates (Task)

Indicates the overall date status of the activity's assigned tasks.

Outside Activity: A task's dates are outside of the activity's Start and Finish dates.

Inside Activity: All of the tasks' dates are within the activity's Start and Finish dates.

No Tasks Assigned: No tasks are assigned to the activity.

Status (Baseline)

The status of the baseline process. Valid values are: In Progress, Failed, and Complete.

Status (Budget Change Request)

The state of the project budget change request. Pending: The change request is awaiting a decision. Approved: The change request was approved. Rejected: The change request was not approved.

Status (Budget Transaction)

The status of the transaction. Indicates whether the transaction is approved, pending, draft, or rejected.

Status (Budget Transfer)

The state of the project budget transfer request. Pending: The change request is awaiting a decision. Approved: The change request was approved. Rejected: The change request was not approved.

Status (Change Order)

The status of the change order.

Status (Commitment)

The status of the commitment.

Status (Contract)

The status of the contract.

Status (Funds)

Either Active or Inactive. Inactive funds cannot be allocated or appropriated. They can only be consumed for projects or programs.

Status (Payment Application)

The status of the payment application.

Status (Potential Change Order)

The status of the question. Status values include Draft, Pending, Answered, and Withdrawn.

The status of the potential change order proposal.

Status (Potential Change Order)

The status of the potential change order proposal.

Status (Program Budget Change Request)

The state of the program budget change request. Pending: The change request is awaiting a decision. Approved: The change request was approved. Rejected: The change request was not approved.

Status (Program)

The current status of the program.

Status (Risk)

The status of the risk.

Proposed: The risk is identified and awaits approval.

Open: The risk is approved as a valid risk and is awaiting management.

Monitoring: The risk has been managed and is being monitored.

Impacting: The risk is currently impacting the project.

Cannot Impact: The risk did not happen and can no longer happen.

Impacted: The risk occurred.

Rejected: The risk is not seen as a valid risk to the project and therefore will not be tracked and managed by the project.

Status (Schedule Scenario)

The status of the scenario. A scenario can have a status of In Progress, Failed, or Complete.

Status (Task Constraint)

The status of the task constraint. Valid values are Not Planned, Planned, and Delivered.

Status Change Date (Program)

The date and time the program status was changed.

Strategic Objective (Program)

A detailed description of the strategic object of the program.

Strategic Priority (Project)

The project's priority in the strategic plan.

This priority value ranges from 1 to 10,000 with a default of 500. Use of the priority value, such as whether to place higher priority at the lower end of the scale, toward the endpoint 1, or at the higher end, toward 10,000, is at the discretion of the user. This field is not used for calculating data.

Suspend Date (Activity)

The date work has temporarily stopped on a given activity.

Target Budget (Budget Planning)

The total Target Budget for the portfolio's Planning Horizon set by the portfolio manager.

Task Check - Commitments (Task)

Tasks that contain commitments to due dates.

Task Check - Due This Week (Task)

Tasks that are due within the calendar week from Sunday to Saturday.

Task Check - Overdue (Task)

Tasks that have not been completed by their due date.

Task Check - Pending (Task)

Tasks that have a due date but are not committed, or tasks that are committed but the due date has been changed.

Task Check - Planned Outside Activity Dates (Task)

Tasks with due dates that occur before the activity start date or after the activity end date.

Task Check - Scheduled on Non-work Days (Task)

Tasks that occur on non-work days as defined by the project calendar when Use Only Work Days is selected.

Task Check - Tasks with Slack (Task)

Task slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed before it impacts the start date of the most immediate hand-off successor.

Task Check - Unaccepted Proposed Due Date (Task)

Tasks that have a proposed due date value that has not yet been accepted.

Task Check - Unassigned (Task)

Tasks that do not have a user assigned.

Task Check - Unplanned (Task)

Tasks without a due date.

Task Status - Completion (Activity)

The current status of the task assigned to the activity. Valid values are New, Pending, Committed, and Completed.

This is a read-only field.

Task Status - Dates (Activity)

Indicates the overall date status of the activity's assigned tasks.

Outside Activity: A task's dates are outside of the activity's Start and Finish dates.

Inside Activity: All of the tasks' dates are within the activity's Start and Finish dates.

No Tasks Assigned: No tasks are assigned to the activity.

This is a read-only field.

Task Status - Indicator (Activity)

Indicates whether any of the activity's assigned tasks have dates or completion statuses that requires attention.

This is a read-only field.

Time Change (Change Order)

The amount of time added to or subtracted from the commitment as a result of the change order.

Timesheet Actual Start (Activity Assignment)

Actual Start Date derived from Timesheet at the time of timesheet approval.

Timesheet Actual Units (Activity Assignment)

Timesheet actual hours logged from timesheet for the assignment.

Total (Change Order)

The total value of the change order line item cost.

Total (Commitment)

The total value of the commitment line item cost.

Total (Contract)

The total value of the line item cost.

Total (Funds)

The amount of money granted for the fund.

Total Actual Response Cost (Risk)

The total actual response cost of the risk.

Total Cost

The cost to be added or subtracted from the program budget.

Total Cost (Project Budget Change)

The cost to be added or subtracted from the project budget.

Total Earned Less Retainage (Payment Application)

The total amount earned for the associated agreement, minus all money withheld as retainage.

Total Float - Deterministic (Risk Analysis)

The activity total float at the time the risk analysis was run.

Total Float (Activity)

The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as Late Start minus Early Start or as Late Finish minus Early Finish.

Total Retainage (Payment Application)

The total amount of money that has been withheld as retainage for work on the agreement.

Transfer From Budget (Budget Transaction)

The budget ID of the Transfer From Budget record.

Transfer From CBS Code (Budget Transaction)

The cost code for the Transfer From Budget record.

Transfer From Cost Category (Budget Transaction)

The category of the Transfer From Budget record.

Transfer To Budget (Budget Transaction)

The budget ID of the Transfer To Budget record.

Transfer To CBS Code (Budget Transaction)

The cost code for the Transfer To Budget record.

Transfer To Cost Category (Budget Transaction)

The category of the Transfer To Budget record.

Transfer Type (Budget Transaction)

Specifies whether the budget row is transfer from budget record or transfer to budget record.

Type (Activity)

The type of activity. Valid values are Activity Dependent, Resource Dependent, Level of Effort, Start Milestone, and Finish Milestone.

Type (Baseline)

Identifies the official and unofficial baselines.

A copy of the original project schedule, against which you can evaluate project progress. The original baseline locks down all original values. It marks the starting point for requiring change requests for modifications to Scope Items, Work Packages, and Scope Assignments.

A copy of the latest project schedule. It can only be set when there is an original baseline. This is also referred to as the active baseline.

A third official baseline that can be used for any purpose.

A blank field indicates this is an unofficial baseline, which could become an official baseline if desired.

Type (Change Order)

Describes how the line item is billed, either as a Lump Sum or Unit Price.

Specifies how the total cost of the line item is calculated.

Type (Change Order)

Specifies how the total cost of the line item is calculated.

Type (Commitment)

Specifies how the total cost of the commitment is calculated. Values can include Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Plus Percentage Fee, Guaranteed Maximum Price, Lump Sum, Time & Material, or Unit Price.

The value that distinguishes the line item as lump sum or unit price.

The value that distinguishes the line item as lump sum or unit price.

Type (Commitment)

The value that distinguishes the line item as lump sum or unit price.

The value that distinguishes the line item as lump sum or unit price.

Type (Commitment)

The value that distinguishes the line item as lump sum or unit price.

Type (Contract)

Specifies how the cost of the contract is calculated. Values can include Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Plus Percentage Fee, Guaranteed Maximum Price, Lump Sum, Time & Material, or Unit Price.

The nature of the line item.

The nature of the schedule of values.

Type (Contract)

The nature of the line item.

The nature of the schedule of values.

Type (Contract)

The nature of the schedule of values.

Type (Potential Change Order)

The type of item represented by the proposal line item.

Type (Risk Analysis)

The activity type at the time the risk analysis was run.

The relationship type at the time the risk analysis was run.

Type (Risk Analysis)

The relationship type at the time the risk analysis was run.

Type (Schedule Scenario)

The type of the scenario. A scenario can have a type of What-if, Closed, or Retired.

Type (Task Constraint)

The type of constraint.

Type (Task)

The type of task. Valid values are Task and Task Milestone.

Type (Thresholds)

Thresholds can have a type of Value or Field.

Value: Uses the threshold logical operator to measure fields against a set numeric value.

Field: Checks specified fields against a second field. For example, a threshold measuring Annual Discount Rate with an operator of Equals and a type of Field set to Forecast, will indicate if a project's Annual Discount Rate equals its Forecast.

Unallocated (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has not been reserved for work on projects, programs or in other workspaces.

Unappropriated (Funds)

The portion of the fund that has not yet been committed to actual work.

Unassigned Quantity (Scope Item)

The total quantity that has not been distributed to work packages. This is the amount that is available for distribution to scope assignments. After the original baseline is set, this includes all approved quantity changes for scope items.

Undistributed (Funds)

The amount of money that has not been distributed for the fund.

Undistributed Approved Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of approved budget unallocated across the project timescale.

The amount of approved budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Undistributed Approved Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of approved budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Undistributed Approved Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of approved budget unallocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Undistributed Benefits (Program Budget)

The amount of benefits that have not been allocated across the program timescale.

Undistributed Benefits (Project Budget)

The amount of benefits that have not been allocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Undistributed Forecast (Project Budget)

The amount of forecast cost unallocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Undistributed Planned Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of planned budget unallocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Undistributed Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of a proposed budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

The amount of planned budget unallocated across the project timescale.

Undistributed Proposed Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of planned budget unallocated across the project timescale.

Undistributed Proposed Budget (Project Budget)

The amount of proposed budget unallocated across the project timescale. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Undistributed Target Budget (Budget Planning)

The amount of target budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.

Unit of Measure (Budget Item)

The Unit of Measure used for the budget item.

Unit of Measure (Budget Transaction)

The Unit of Measure used for the budget line item detail.

Unit Of Measure (Change Order)

The units in which the line item is measured.

The units in which the line item is measured.

Unit Of Measure (Change Order)

The units in which the line item is measured.

Unit Of Measure (Commitment)

The unit in which the line item quantity is measured.

The unit in which the line item quantity is measured.

Unit Of Measure (Commitment)

The unit in which the line item quantity is measured.

Unit Of Measure (Contract)

The unit by which the line item quantity is measured.

The unit by which the schedule of values quantities are measured.

Unit Of Measure (Contract)

The unit by which the schedule of values quantities are measured.

Unit Of Measure (Potential Change Order)

The unit of measure of the proposal line item.

Unit Price (Actual Line Item)

The price associated with the actual line item.

If a Unit of Measure is associated with the actual line item, the Unit Price is the unit price per measure.

Unit Price (Change Order)

The price of each unit of the line item.

The price per unit per line item.

Unit Price (Change Order)

The price per unit per line item.

Unit Price (Commitment)

The price of each unit represented by the line item.

The price of each unit represented by the commitment line item.

Unit Price (Commitment)

The price of each unit represented by the commitment line item.

Unit Price (Contract)

The price per unit of items represented by the line item.

The price of each unit represented by the schedule of values.

Unit Price (Contract)

The price of each unit represented by the schedule of values.

Unit Rate (Budget Item)

The cost per Unit of Measure for the budget line item.

Unit Rate (Budget Transaction)

The cost per Unit of Measure for the budget line item detail.

Unit Rate (Program Budget Item)

The cost per Unit of Measure for the budget line item.

Unit Rate (Program Budget Transaction)

The cost per Unit of Measure for the budget line item detail.

Units Percent Complete (Activity Assignment)

The percent complete of units for the resource assignment on the activity.

Units Percent Complete (Activity)

The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.

Unstaffed Remaining Cost (Activity Assignment)

The remaining cost for resource assignments that do not have a filled role.

Unstaffed Remaining Units (Activity Assignment)

The remaining units for resource assignments that have not filled a role.

Use Only Work Days (Task)

Enables the user to allow only the project calendar's work days and ignore non-work days when determining the value for Start and Due Date.

Value (Thresholds)

The numeric value measured by the threshold.

Use threshold operators to compare this value to the values in projects and portfolios.

The value which other thresholds are measured against.

Value (Thresholds)

The value which other thresholds are measured against.

Variance - Finish Date (Project)

The duration between the project's finish date and the baseline's finish date.

When the field value is generated through a P6 EPPM connection, then it represents the duration between the finish date in the current project and the baseline finish date.

This value can only be imported.

Variance - Start Date (Project)

The duration between the project's start date and the baseline's start date.

When the field value is generated through a P6 EPPM connection, then it represents the duration between the start date in the current project and the baseline start date.

This value can only be imported.

Variance (Actuals - Forecast) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Actuals and Forecast. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Actuals - Planned Budget) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Actuals and Planned Budget. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Allocated Fund - Forecast) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Allocated Fund and Forecast. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Allocated Fund - Planned Budget) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Allocated Fund and Planned Budget. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Forecast - Portfolio Approved Budget) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Forecast and Approved Budget. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Portfolio Approved Budget - Actuals) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Approved Budget and Actuals. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Portfolio Proposed Budget - Forecast) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Proposed Budget and Forecast. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance (Proposed Budget - Planned Budget) (Project Budget)

The total and time phased variance between the project's Proposed Budget and Planned Budget. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

Variance At Completion (Activity)

The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun.

Calculated as Budget At Completion minus Estimate At Completion.

Variance At Completion (Schedule)

The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun.

Variance At Completion Labor Units (Activity)

The difference between the baseline planned total labor units and the estimate at completion labor units.

Calculated as Project Baseline Planned Total Labor Units minus Estimate At Completion Labor Units.

Withdraw Approval Date (Budget Change Request)

Date the item was withdrawn.

Withdraw Approval Date (Budget Transfer)

Date the item was withdrawn.

Withdraw Approval Date (Project Budget)

The date the approval of the budget is withdrawn.

The date the approval of the budget is withdrawn.

Withdraw Approval Date (Project Budget)

The date the approval of the budget is withdrawn.

Year End Forecast (YEF) (Project Budget)

Total forecast at the end of year actuals till date, with respect to the current year. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.

YTD Actuals (Project Budget)

A measurement of capital spent on a project starting from the beginning of the year up to the present date.

YTD Actuals provides an overview of the total amount of actuals accrued on a project over the current Period Year. This value is based on the base currency with specified exchange rate.