This is a P6 field supported by the Integration app.
Description: An activity is a unit of work performed during the course of a project.
P6 Field | Description | Read-Only |
AccountingVariance | The difference between the planned value of work scheduled and the actual cost of work performed. Computed as accounting variance = planned value - actual cost . A negative value indicates that actual costs have exceeded the scheduled costs. | Yes |
AccountingVarianceLaborUnits | The difference between the planned value of work scheduled and the actual work performed. Computed as accounting variance labor units = planned value labor units - actual units. | Yes |
ActualDuration | The activity actual duration percent of planned. Computed as actual duration / BL duration * 100. The value can exceed 100. The BL duration is the activity's at completion duration from the project baseline. | No |
ActualExpenseCost | The actual costs for all project expenses associated with the activity. | Yes |
ActualFinishDate | The date on which the activity is actually finished. | No |
ActualLaborCost | The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity actual labor units * project default price / time. | No |
ActualLaborUnits | The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
ActualMaterialCost | The sum of all regular and overtime costs for material resources. | Yes |
ActualNonLaborCost | The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity actual nonlabor units * project default price / time. | No |
ActualNonLaborUnits | The actual units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
ActualStartDate | The date on which the activity is actually started. | No |
ActualThisPeriodLaborCost | The actual this period labor cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
ActualThisPeriodLaborUnits | The actual this period labor units (hours) for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
ActualThisPeriodMaterialCost | The sum of all material resource costs for the current period. | No |
ActualThisPeriodNonLaborCost | The actual this period nonlabor cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity actual nonlabor units * project default price / time. | No |
ActualThisPeriodNonLaborUnits | The actual this period nonlabor units (hours) for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
ActualTotalCost | The actual total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. Actual total cost = actual labor costs + actual nonlabor costs + actual expense costs. | Yes |
ActualTotalUnits | the sum of Actual Labor Units and Actual Nonlabor Units. | Yes |
AtCompletionDuration | The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date. | No |
AtCompletionExpenseCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all expenses associated with the activity. Computed as actual expense cost + remaining expense cost. | Yes |
AtCompletionLaborCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual labor cost + remaining labor cost. | No |
AtCompletionLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual labor units + remaining labor units. | No |
AtCompletionLaborUnitsVariance | The project baseline planned total labor units minus the estimate at completion labor units. | Yes |
AtCompletionMaterialCost | The sum of all actual and remaining costs for material resources. | Yes |
AtCompletionNonLaborCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual nonlabor cost + remaining nonlabor cost. | No |
AtCompletionNonLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual nonlabor units + remaining nonlabor units. | No |
AtCompletionTotalCost | The total cost at completion for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. At completion total cost = at completion labor cost + at completion nonlabor cost + at completion expense cost. | Yes |
AtCompletionTotalUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for the resource assignment on the activity. | Yes |
AtCompletionVariance | The difference between the project baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. Computed as VAC = BAC - EAC. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun. BAC is computed from the current project baseline. | Yes |
AutoComputeActuals | The option that determines whether the activity's actual and remaining units, start date, finish date, and percent complete are computed automatically using the planned dates, planned units and the schedule percent complete. | No |
Baseline1Duration | The duration for the activity in the primary baseline. | Yes |
Baseline1FinishDate | The current finish date of the activity in the primary baseline. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedDuration | The planned duration for the activity in the primary baseline. Planned duration is the total working time from the activity current start date to the current finish date. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Expense Cost in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedLaborCost | The cost at completion for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline. Computed from the primary baseline at completion labor units. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Labor Units in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedMaterialCost | The Planned Material Cost for a primary baseline activity. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity planned nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Non Labor Units in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
Baseline1PlannedTotalCost | The planned total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. Planned total cost = planned labor cost + planned nonlabor cost + planned expense cost. | Yes |
Baseline1StartDate | The current start date of the activity in the primary baseline. Set to the planned start date until the activity is started, then set to the actual start date. | Yes |
BaselineDuration | The duration for the activity in the project baseline. | Yes |
BaselineFinishDate | The current finish date of the activity in the project baseline. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedDuration | The planned duration for the activity in the project baseline. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedLaborCost | The cost at completion for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedMaterialCost | The Planned Material Cost for a project baseline activity. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. | Yes |
BaselinePlannedTotalCost | The planned total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. | Yes |
BaselineStartDate | The current start date of the activity in the project baseline. | Yes |
BudgetAtCompletion | The planned total cost through activity completion. | Yes |
CalendarName | The name of the calendar. | Yes |
CalendarObjectId | The unique ID of the calendar assigned to the activity. Activity calendars can be assigned from the global calendar pool or the project calendar pool. | No |
CBSCode | Hierarchical CBS code structure Eg: a~~b | No |
CBSId | The unique ID of the CBS assigned to the Activity. | No |
CostPercentComplete | The percent complete of costs for all labor resources, nonlabor resources, and expenses for the activity. | Yes |
CostPercentOfPlanned | The percent complete of planned costs for all labor resources, nonlabor resources, and expenses for the activity. | Yes |
CostPerformanceIndex | The earned value divided by the actual cost. A value less than 1 indicates that actual cost have exceeded the planned value. | Yes |
CostPerformanceIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the earned value labor units and the actual work performed. Computed as CPI labor units = earned value labor units / actual labor units. | Yes |
CostVariance | The difference between the earned value and the actual cost of work performed. Computed as CV = earned value - actual costs. | Yes |
CostVarianceIndex | The ratio of the cost variance and the earned value of work performed. Computed as CVI = cost variance / earned value. | Yes |
CostVarianceIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the cost variance labor units and the earned value of work performed. Computed as CVI labor units = CV labor units / earned value labor units. | Yes |
CostVarianceLaborUnits | The difference between the earned value of labor units and the actual cost of labor units. Calculated as CV labor units = earned value planned units - actual units. | Yes |
CreateDate | The date this activity was created. | Yes |
CreateUser | The name of the user that created this activity. | Yes |
DailySpreadActualCost | The actual cost for the project expense for daily spread. | No |
DailySpreadActualExpenseCost | The actual costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. | No |
DailySpreadActualLaborCost | The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual labor units * project default price / time. | No |
DailySpreadActualLaborUnits | The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadActualMaterialCost | The sum of all regular and overtime costs for material resources for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadActualNonLaborCost | The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadActualNonLaborUnits | The actual units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadActualTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionExpenseCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. Computed as daily spread actual expense cost + daily spread remaining expense cost. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionLaborCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. Computed as daily spread actual labor cost + daily spread remaining labor cost. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. Computed as daily spread actual labor units + daily spread remaining labor units. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionMaterialCost | The sum of all daily spread actual and daily spread remaining costs for material resources. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionNonLaborCost | The sum of the actual plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activityfor daily spread. Computed as daily spread actual nonlabor cost + daily spreadremaining nonlabor cost. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionNonLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. Computed as daily spread actual nonlabor units + daily spread remaining nonlabor units. | Yes |
DailySpreadAtCompletionTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualExpenseCost | The actual costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualLaborCost | The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual labor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualLaborUnits | The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualMaterialCost | The sum of all regular and overtime costs for material resources for Baseline 1 daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualNonLaborCost | The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualNonLaborUnits | The actual units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1ActualTotalCost | desc | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Expense Cost in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedLaborCost | The cost at completion for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline for daily spread. Computed from the primary baseline at completion labor units. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Labor Units in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedMaterialCost | The Planned Material Cost for a primary baseline activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline 1 daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity planned nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. This field is named Baseline 1 Budgeted Non Labor Units in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaseline1PlannedTotalCost | The planned total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses for Baseline 1 daily spread. Planned total cost = planned labor cost + planned nonlabor cost + planned expense cost. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualExpenseCost | The actual costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for Baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualLaborCost | The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual labor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualLaborUnits | The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualMaterialCost | The sum of all regular and overtime costs for material resources for Baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualNonLaborCost | The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread actual nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualNonLaborUnits | The actual units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for Baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselineActualTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for Baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedLaborCost | The cost at completion for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedMaterialCost | The planned material cost for a project baseline activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for baseline daily spread | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for baseline daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadBaselinePlannedTotalCost | The planned total cost for activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses for baseline daily spreads. | Yes |
DailySpreadEarnedValueCost | The portion of the project baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date for daily spread. Computed as earned value = BAC * performance % complete. | Yes |
DailySpreadEarnedValueLaborUnits | The portion of the project baseline labor units that is actually completed as of the project data date for daily spread. Computed as labor units earned value - project baseline units * performance % complete. | Yes |
DailySpreadEstimateAtCompletionCost | The estimated cost at completion of the activity for daily spread. Computed as the daily spread actual total cost plus the estimate-to-complete cost: EAC = ACWP + ETC. | Yes |
DailySpreadEstimateAtCompletionLaborUnits | The estimated labor units at completion of the activity for daily spread. Calculated as actual labor units + estimate to complete labor units. | Yes |
DailySpreadEstimateToCompleteCost | desc. | Yes |
DailySpreadEstimateToCompleteLaborUnits | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. This field is named BudgetedExpenseCost in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedLaborCost | The planned costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread planned labor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. This field is named BudgetedLaborUnits in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedMaterialCost | The sum of all material resource costs for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources assigned, computed as the activity daily spread planned nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. This field is named BudgetedNonLaborUnits in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedValueCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadPlannedValueLaborUnits | The portion of the project baseline labor units that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date for daily spread. Computed as BL labor units * schedule % complete. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingExpenseCost | The remaining costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLaborCost | FThe remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread remaining labor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLaborUnits | The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. The remaining units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateExpenseCost | The remaining late expense costs for all project expenses associated with the activity for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateLaborCost | The remaining late costs for all labor recources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread remaining late labor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateLaborUnits | The remaining late units for all labor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. The remaining units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateMaterialCost | The sum of all late material resource remaining costs for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateNonLaborCost | The remaining late costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread remaining late nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateNonLaborUnits | The remaining late units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. The remaining late units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingLateTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingMaterialCost | The sum of all material resource remaining costs for daily spread. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingNonLaborCost | The remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity daily spread remaining nonlabor units * project default price / time. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingNonLaborUnits | The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity for daily spread. The remaining units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | Yes |
DailySpreadRemainingTotalCost | Desc | Yes |
DataDate | The current data date for the project. The project status is up to date as of the data date. The data date is modified when project actuals are applied. | Yes |
Duration1Variance | The duration between the activity's primary baseline duration and the at complete duration. Computed as primary baseline duration - at completion duration. | Yes |
DurationPercentComplete | The percent complete of the activity duration. Computed as (planned duration - remaining duration) / planned duration * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | No |
DurationPercentOfPlanned | The activity actual duration percent of planned. Computed as actual duration / BL duration * 100. The value can exceed 100. The BL duration is the activity's at completion duration from the project baseline. | Yes |
DurationType | The duration type of the activity. One of 'Fixed Units/Time', 'Fixed Duration and Units/Time', 'Fixed Units', or 'Fixed Duration and Units'. | No |
DurationVariance | The duration between the activity's project baseline duration and the at complete duration. Computed as project baseline duration - at completion duration. | Yes |
EarlyFinishDate | The earliest possible date the activity can finish. This date is computed by the project scheduler based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
EarlyStartDate | The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin. This date is computed by the project scheduler based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
EarnedValueCost | The portion of the project baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date. Computed as earned value = BAC * performance % complete. | Yes |
EarnedValueLaborUnits | The portion of the project baseline labor units that is actually completed as of the project data date. Computed as labor units earned value = project baseline labor units * performance % complete. | Yes |
EstimateAtCompletionCost | The estimated cost at completion for the activity. Computed as the actual total cost plus the estimate-to-complete cost; EAC = ACWP + ETC. | Yes |
EstimateAtCompletionLaborUnits | The estimated labor units at completion of the activity. Calculated as actual labor units + estimate to complete labor units. | Yes |
EstimateToComplete | The estimated cost to complete the activity. Computed as either the remaining total cost for the activity (remaining total cost), or as PF * (BAC - earned value), depending on the earned-value technique selected for the activity's WBS.. | Yes |
EstimateToCompleteLaborUnits | The estimated quantity to complete the activity. Computed as either the remaining total units for the activity (remaining total units), or as PF * (BL labor units - earned value), depending on the earned-value technique selected for the activity's WBS. | Yes |
ExpectedFinishDate | The date the activity is expected to be finished according to the progress made on the activity's work products. The expected finish date is entered manually by people familiar with progress of the activity's work products. | No |
ExpenseCost1Variance | The difference between primary baseline expense cost and at completion expense cost. | Yes |
ExpenseCostPercentComplete | The percent complete of costs for all expenses associated with the activity. Computed as actual expense cost / at completion expense cost * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | Yes |
ExpenseCostVariance | The difference between project baseline expense cost and at completion expense cost. Calculated as project baseline expense cost - at completion expense cost (at completion expense cost = actual expense cost + remaining expense cost). | Yes |
ExternalEarlyStartDate | The date value that determines the early start date for imported activities with external constraints lost (relations from/to external projects that do not exist in the database). | No |
ExternalLateFinishDate | The date value that determines the Late Finish Date for imported activities with external constraints lost (from/to external projects that do not exist in the database). | No |
Feedback | The feedback from the resource. | No |
FinishDate | The current finish date of the activity. Set to the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. | No |
FinishDate1Variance | The duration between the finish date in the current project and the primary baseline finish date. Calculated as finish date - primary baseline finish date. | Yes |
FloatPath | The integer representing the critical path this activity is on. The value 1 is the most critical path, value 2 is the second most critical path, etc. | Yes |
FreeFloat | The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity. | Yes |
GUID | The globally unique ID generated by the system. | No |
HasFutureBucketData | The flag that indicates whether a resource assignment on the activity has future bucket data. | Yes |
Id | The short ID that uniquely identifies the activity within the project. | No |
IsBaseline | The boolean value indicating if this business object is related to a Project or Baseline | Yes |
IsCritical | The flag that indicates whether the activity is critical. An activity is critical when its total Float is below the critical duration specified for the project. Delaying critical activities will delay the finish date of the project. | Yes |
IsLongestPath | The flag that indicates whether an activity is on the longest path. | Yes |
IsNewFeedback | The flag that indicates that a resource has sent feedback notes about this activity which have not been reviewed yet. | No |
IsStarred | The flag that indicates whether this activity is marked as starred activity. | No |
IsTemplate | The boolean value indicating if this business object is related to a template Project. | Yes |
IsWorkPackage | The flag that indicates whether this activity is the child of a work package WBS. | Yes |
LaborCost1Variance | The difference between primary baseline labor cost and at completion labor cost. Calculated as BL labor cost - at completion labor cost. | Yes |
LaborCostPercentComplete | The percent complete of costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual labor cost / at completion labor cost * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | Yes |
LaborCostVariance | The difference between project baseline labor cost and at completion labor cost. Calculated as BL labor cost - at completion labor cost. | Yes |
LaborUnits1Variance | The difference between primary baseline labor units and at completion labor units. Calculated as BL labor units - at completion labor units. | Yes |
LaborUnitsPercentComplete | The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity. Computed as actual labor units / at completion labor units * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | Yes |
LaborUnitsVariance | The difference between project baseline labor units and at completion labor units. Calculated as BL labor units - at completion labor units. | Yes |
LastUpdateDate | The date this activity was last updated. | Yes |
LastUpdateUser | The name of the user that last updated this activity. | Yes |
LateFinishDate | The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is computed by the project scheduler based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
LateStartDate | The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date. This date is computed by the project scheduler based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
LevelingPriority | The activity priority used to prioritize activities in a project when performing resource leveling. Valid values are 'Top', 'High', 'Normal', 'Low', and 'Lowest'. | No |
LocationName | The name of the location assigned to the activity. | Yes |
LocationObjectId | The unique ID of the location assigned to the activity. | No |
MaterialCost1Variance | The primary Baseline Planned Material Cost minus the At Completion Material Cost. | Yes |
MaterialCostPercentComplete | The percent complete of costs for all material resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual nonlabor cost / at completion nonlabor cost * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | Yes |
MaterialCostVariance | The project BaselinePlannedMaterialCost minus the AtCompletionMaterialCost. | Yes |
MaximumDuration | The maximum duration of the activity | No |
MinimumDuration | The minimum duration of the activity | No |
MostLikelyDuration | The most likely duration of the activity | No |
Name | The name of the activity. The activity name does not have to be unique. | No |
NonLaborCost1Variance | The difference between the primary baseline nonlaborcost and at completion nonlabor cost. Calculated as BL nonlabor cost - at completion nonlabor cost. | Yes |
NonLaborCostPercentComplete | The percent complete of costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual nonlabor cost / at completion nonlabor cost * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | Yes |
NonLaborCostVariance | The difference between the project baseline labor cost and at completion labor cost. Calculated as BL nonlabor cost - at completion nonlabor cost. | Yes |
NonLaborUnits1Variance | The difference between the primary baseline nonlabor units and at completion nonlabor units. Calculated as BL nonlabor units - at completion nonlabor units. | Yes |
NonLaborUnitsPercentComplete | The percent complete of units for all nonlabor resources for the activity. Computed as actual nonlabor units / at completion nonlabor units * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | No |
NonLaborUnitsVariance | The difference between the project baseline labor units and at completion labor units. Calculated as BL nonlabor units - at completion nonlabor units. | Yes |
NotesToResources | The notes from the project manager to the timesheet resources. | No |
ObjectId | The unique ID generated by the system. | No |
PercentComplete | The activity percent complete. This value is tied to the activity duration % complete, units % complete, or physical % complete, depending on the setting for the activity's percent complete type. | No |
PercentCompleteType | The activity percent complete type: 'Physical','Duration','Units', or 'Scope'. | No |
PerformancePercentComplete | The activity performance percent complete. The performance percent complete is used to compute earned value. | Yes |
PhysicalPercentComplete | The physical percent complete, which can either be user entered or calculated from the activity's weighted steps. | No |
PlannedDuration | The total working time from the activity planned start date to the planned finish date. The planned working time is computed using the activity's calendar. | No |
PlannedExpenseCost | The planned costs for all project expenses associated with the activity. This field is named BudgetedExpenseCost in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
PlannedFinishDate | The date the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is computed by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. | No |
PlannedLaborCost | The planned costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity planned labor units * project default price / time. | No |
PlannedLaborUnits | The planned units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is named BudgetedLaborUnits in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | No |
PlannedMaterialCost | The sum of all material resource costs. | Yes |
PlannedNonLaborCost | The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity planned nonlabor units * project default price / time. | No |
PlannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This field is named BudgetedNonLaborUnits in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | No |
PlannedStartDate | The date the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is computed by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. | No |
PlannedTotalCost | The planned total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. Planned total cost = planned labor cost + planned nonlabor cost + planned expense cost. | Yes |
PlannedTotalUnits | The sum of Planned Labor Units and Planned Nonlabor Units. This field is named BudgetedTotalUnits in Primavera's Engineering and Construction and Maintenance and Turnaround solutions. | Yes |
PlannedValueCost | The portion of the project baseline total cost of the activity that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date. Computed as BAC * schedule % complete. Also known as the work scheduled to be performed for the activity. | Yes |
PlannedValueLaborUnits | The portion of the project baseline labor units that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date. Computed as BL labor units * schedule % complete. | Yes |
PostRespCriticalityIndex | During the Post-Response risk analysis, tasks can join or leave the critical path. The criticality index expresses as a percentage, how often a particular task was on the critical path during the analysis. | No |
PostResponsePessimisticFinish | The post-response pessimistic finish date for the activity. | No |
PostResponsePessimisticStart | The post-response pessimistic start date for the activity. | No |
PreRespCriticalityIndex | During the Pre-Response risk analysis, tasks can join or leave the critical path. The criticality index expresses as a percentage, how often a particular task was on the critical path during the analysis. | No |
PreResponsePessimisticFinish | The pre-response pessimistic finish date for the activity. | No |
PreResponsePessimisticStart | The pre-response pessimistic start date for the activity. | No |
PrimaryConstraintDate | The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint. The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date. Activity constraints are used by the project scheduler. | No |
PrimaryConstraintType | The type of constraint applied to the activity start or finish date. Activity constraints are used by the project scheduler. | No |
PrimaryResourceId | The name of the resource. | Yes |
PrimaryResourceName | The name of the resource. | Yes |
PrimaryResourceObjectId | The unique ID of the primary resource for the activity. The primary resource is responsible for the overall work on the activity and updates the activity status using Timesheets. | No |
ProjectId | The short code of the associated project. | Yes |
ProjectName | The name of the associated project. | Yes |
ProjectObjectId | The unique ID of the associated project. | No |
RemainingDuration | The remaining duration of the activity. The remaining duration is the remaining working time for the activity on the project, from the activity's remaining start date to the remaining finish date. | No |
RemainingEarlyFinishDate | The remaining late end date, which is calculated by the scheduler. | No |
RemainingEarlyStartDate | The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is computed by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. | No |
RemainingExpenseCost | The remaining costs for all project expenses associated with the activity. | Yes |
RemainingFloat | The amount of time remaining by which the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Computed as late finish - remaining finish. | Yes |
RemainingLaborCost | The remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity remaining labor units * project default price / time. | No |
RemainingLaborUnits | The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. The remaining units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | No |
RemainingLateFinishDate | The remaining late finish date calculated by the scheduler. | No |
RemainingLateStartDate | The remaining late start date calculated by the scheduler. | No |
RemainingMaterialCost | The sum of all material resource remaining costs. | Yes |
RemainingNonLaborCost | The remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. If no resources are assigned, computed as the activity remaining nonlabor units * project default price / time. | No |
RemainingNonLaborUnits | The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. The remaining units reflects the work remaining to be done for the activity. | No |
RemainingTotalCost | The remaining total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. Remaining total cost = remaining labor costs + remaining nonlabor costs + remaining expense costs. | Yes |
RemainingTotalUnits | The sum of Remaining Labor Units and Remaining Nonlabor Units. | Yes |
ResumeDate | The date when a suspended task or resource dependent activity should be resumed. The resume date must be later than the suspend date and earlier than the actual finish date. | No |
ReviewFinishDate | The finish date of the activity as proposed by the primary resource using Timesheets, while the activity is in "For Review" state. If the project manager approves the activity completion, the review finish is copied to the actual finish. | Yes |
ReviewStatus | The activity review status. Valid values are 'OK', 'For Review', and 'Rejected'. Primary resources set the status to 'For Review' when they believe the activity is completed but are not allowed to mark activities as completed. | No |
RolledupWBSObjectId | Rolled up WBS Object Ids after filtering either by levels or tagging | No |
SchedulePercentComplete | The activity schedule percent complete, which specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration has been completed so far. | Yes |
SchedulePerformanceIndex | The ratio of the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed. Computed as SPI = earned value/ planned value. A value less than 1 indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled. | Yes |
SchedulePerformanceIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the earned value of labor units and the planned value of labor units. Computed as SPI labor units = earned value labor units / planned value labor units. | Yes |
ScheduleVariance | The difference between the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed. Computed as SV = earned value - planned value. A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled. | Yes |
ScheduleVarianceIndex | The ratio of the schedule variance and the work scheduled to be performed. Computed as SVI = SV / planned value. | Yes |
ScheduleVarianceIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the schedule variance and the work scheduled to be performed. Computed as SVI labor units = SV labor units / planned value labor units. | Yes |
ScheduleVarianceLaborUnits | The difference between the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed. Computed as SV labor units = earned value labor units - planned value labor units. | Yes |
ScopePercentComplete | The percentage completion of the scope items linked to the activity. | No |
SecondaryConstraintDate | The date to be used for the cstr_type2 assignment, if the activity has a cstr_type2 value. The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date. Activity constraints are used by the project scheduler. | No |
SecondaryConstraintType | The additional constraint to be used by the scheduler. | No |
StartDate | The start date of the activity. Set to the remaining start date until the activity is started, then set to the actual start date. | No |
StartDate1Variance | The duration between the start date in the current project and the primary baseline start date. Calculated as start date - primary baseline start date. | Yes |
StartDateVariance | The duration between the start date in the current project and the project baseline start date. Calculated as start date - project baseline start date. | Yes |
Status | The current status of the activity, either 'Not Started', 'In Progress', or 'Completed'. | No |
SuspendDate | The start date when the progress of a task or resource dependent activity is delayed from. The suspend date must be later than the actual start date, which the activity must have. | No |
TaskStatusCompletion | The activity task status completion associated to the activity. | No |
TaskStatusDates | The activity task dates associated to the activity. | No |
TaskStatusIndicator | The activity task indicator associated to the activity. | No |
ToCompletePerformanceIndex | The TCPI, which is calculated as (budget at completion - earned value) / (estimate at completion - ACWP). | Yes |
TotalCost1Variance | The difference between the primary baseline total cost and the at completion total cost. Calculated as BL total cost - at completion total cost. | No |
TotalCostVariance | The difference between the project baseline total cost and the at completion total cost. Calculated as BL total cost - at completion total cost. | Yes |
TotalFloat | The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Total float can be computed as late start - early start or as late finish - early finish; this option can be set when running the project scheduler. | Yes |
Type | The type of activity, either 'Task Dependent', 'Resource Dependent', 'Level of Effort', 'Start Milestone', 'Finish Milestone', or 'WBS Summary'. | No |
UnitsPercentComplete | The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Computed as actual units / at completion units * 100. Always in the range 0 to 100. | No |
WBSCode | The short code assigned to each WBS element for identification. Each WBS element is uniquely identified by concatenating its own code together with its parents' codes. | Yes |
WBSName | The name of the WBS element. | Yes |
WBSObjectId | The unique ID of the WBS for the activity. | No |
WBSPath | The WBS path of the Activity. | Yes |
WorkPackageId | The unique identifier for the work package that the activity is associated with. | No |
WorkPackageName | The name of the work package that the activity is associated with. | No |
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025