This is a Primavera Cloud field supported by the Integration app.
Description: A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects usually contain a work breakdown structure (WBS) and activities.
Primavera Cloud Field | Description | Read-Only |
actualCost | The actual cost of the project. | No |
actualCostPresentValue | Also known as discounted value of the overall project actuals, future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Use the present value of the expected cash flow as a metric for project prioritization and selection | Yes |
actualDuration | The actual duration represents the total working time between the project actual start and actual finish for a project. | No |
actualFinishDate | The actual finish displays the date on which a project is considered complete. | No |
actualStartDate | The actual start indicates the date work on the project began. | No |
addressLine1 | The first line of the address of a location. This might be the building number and street address. | No |
addressLine2 | The second line of the address of a location. This might be a neighborhood or town. | No |
allocatedFundApprovedBudgetVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's Allocated fund and approved budget | Yes |
allocatedFundForecastVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's Allocated fund and forecast. | Yes |
allocatedFundPlannedBudgetVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's Allocated fund and planned budget. | Yes |
annualDiscountRate | The interest rate associated with the cost of an investment from your commercial bank or another funding source. | No |
atCompletionCost | The at completion cost of the project. | No |
benefitsCost | Project benefits is the income or positive cash flow from which all charges, costs, and expenses are subtracted to arrive at the net income. Also called sales, turnover, or revenue. | No |
benefitsCostDistributed | The amount of benefits currently allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
benefitsCostPresentValue | Also known as discounted value of the overall project actuals, future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Use the present value of the expected cash flow as a metric for project prioritization and selection. | Yes |
benefitsCostUndistributed | The amount of benefits that have not been allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
budgetCurrentCost | The total cost of the project budget including all transfers and changes in base currency. | Yes |
budgetCurrentCostProject | The total cost of the project budget, including all transfers and changes in project currency. | Yes |
budgetOriginalCost | The total original cost of the project budget before transfers and changes in base currency. | Yes |
budgetOriginalCostProject | The total original cost of the project budget before transfers and changes in projectcurrency. | Yes |
calculateFloatBasedOnFinishDate | The flag that indicates how each activity's float will be calculated with respect to other projects in the scheduling batch. This setting only has an effect when scheduling multiple projects at the same time | No |
calendarId | The unique identifier of the calendar associated with the project. | No |
cityName | The city name for a location. | No |
computeTotalFloatType | The method for calculating total float for all activities. | No |
constructionCostValue | The total of all project-related costs incurred over the period of construction. This field is in base currency and calculated from construction Value Project field based on the specified exchange rate. | Yes |
constructionCostValueProject | The total of all project-related costs incurred over the period of construction. This would generally include cost of materials, subcontract totals, overhead costs, general conditions, and tax. | No |
costPerfIndex | The measure of a project's cost efficiency. A value less than 1 indicates the project's Actual Cost has exceeded its planned value. | No |
costVariance | The measure of cost performance on a project. A negative value indicates that the Actual Cost has exceeded the planned value. | No |
countryCode | The country for a location. | No |
criticalActivityFloatThreshold | The maximum float time for activities before they are marked critical. | No |
criticalActivityPathType | Indicates activity critical path type. | No |
criticalDuration | The number of days past the end date that an activity can go before it is marked as a critical activity. | No |
currencyId | The unique identifier of the currency used by the project. | No |
currentApprovedBudget | The current approved budget of the project. | Yes |
currentApprovedBudgetBaseDistributed | The amount of approved budget currently allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
currentApprovedBudgetBasePresentValue | The present value, also known as discounted value of the portfolio approved budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. | Yes |
currentApprovedBudgetBaseUndistributed | The amount of approved budget unallocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
currentApprovedFinishDate | The finish date for the current approved budget set by the capital planner. | Yes |
currentApprovedSpendCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's approved budget and actuals | Yes |
currentApprovedSpendVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's Current Approved Budget and Spends. | Yes |
currentApprovedStartDate | The start date for the current approved budget set by the capital planner. | Yes |
dataDate | The data date of the project. | No |
description | The description of the project. | No |
earnedValueCost | The earned value cost of the project. | No |
estAtCompleteCost | The expected total cost of the project when the defined scope of work will be completed. | No |
estToCompleteCost | The estimated cost needed to complete the project. | No |
exchangeRateType | The type of exchange rate. Floating: A fixed, user-defined exchange rate. Pegged: Follows the exchange rates defined at the workspace. | No |
finishDate | The date on which all project work is complete. | No |
finishDateVariance | The duration between the project's finish date and default snapshot. When the field value is generated through a P6 EPPM connection, then it represents the duration between the finish date in the current project and the baseline finish date. | Yes |
forecastCost | The total estimation of a project's remaining costs. Once projects have begun, project managers update the project forecast to represent remaining cost estimates for the duration of the project's life cycle. | No |
forecastCostDistributed | The amount of forecast cost currently allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
forecastCostPresentValue | Also known as discounted value of the overall project forecast, future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Use the present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric for project prioritization and selection. | Yes |
forecastCostUndistributed | The amount of forecast cost unallocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
forecastCurrApprCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's forecast and approved budget. | Yes |
forecastCurrApprVar | The total and time phased variance between the project's forecast and current approved budget. | Yes |
forecastFinishDate | The planned finish date of a project's remaining forecast cost. | No |
forecastStartDate | The planned start date of a project's remaining forecast cost. | No |
ignoreOtherProjectRelationships | The option used by the scheduler for treating activity relationships between projects when scheduling. | No |
integratedType | The indicator that determines whether the resource is integrated with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, 'Fusion' indicates the resource is integrated with Oracle Fusion. 'ERP' indicates the resource is integrated with another ERP system. | Yes |
intRateReturn | The quantitative measurement used to compare the profitability of project investments. The rate at which investors will receive returns on their investments in a project. | No |
latitude | The geographical coordinate for the latitude of the location. The default format for latitude is decimal degrees format, but the format you need to use will depend on your geolocation service. | No |
linkForecastToSpend | Enables you to link project forecast data to project spends data. When linked any updates to the project's spends values will automatically be applied to the project's forecast values. | No |
locationName | A name for the location that your users will understand and recognize. | No |
longitude | The geographical coordinate for the longitude of the location. The default format for longitude is decimal degrees format, but the format you need to use will depend on your geolocation service. | No |
makeOpenEndedActivitiesCritical | The option used by the scheduler for automatically leveling resources when scheduling projects. | No |
manager | The manager or person responsible for the project. | No |
maximumMultipleFloatPaths | The number of critical float paths to calculate | No |
multipleFloatPathsEnabled | The Boolean value that indicates whether multiple critical float paths (sequences of activities) should be calculated in the project schedule. | No |
multipleFloatPathsEndingActivityObjectId | The activity in the WBS that you want to represent the end of the float paths. | No |
multipleFloatPathsUseTotalFloat | The Boolean value that decides whether or not to use total float in multiple float path calculations. | No |
mustFinishByDate | The latest date on which the scheduled activities must be complete for a project. | No |
netPresentValue | The difference between the present value (PV) of the future cash flows from current investments and project costs. | No |
outOfSequenceScheduleType | The type of logic used to schedule the progressed activities: 'Retained Logic', 'Progress Override', or 'Actual Dates'. | No |
P6 EPS | The parent eps id of the project. | No |
paybackPeriod | The estimate of the length of time that will transpire before net profits recover the initial and periodic costs of an investment to carry out the selected project. | No |
percentComplete | The estimated percentage of work that has been completed on the project. | No |
percentCompleteWeightedBy | The weight for scope items is calculated using quantity. | No |
planDuration | The duration between project planned start and project planned finish. | Yes |
planEndDate | The finish date for the time phased planned budget of the project. Planned budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed. | No |
planStartDate | The start date for the time phased planned budget of the project. Planned budget cost spread will adjust when this date is changed. The project planned start also represents the earliest date that activities can occur within a project schedule. | No |
plannedBudget | The planned budget of the project. | No |
plannedBudgetDistributed | The amount of planned budget allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
plannedBudgetPresentValue | Also known as discounted value of the overall project planned budget, future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. Use the present value of a project's expected cash flow as a metric for project prioritization and selection. | Yes |
plannedBudgetUndistributed | The amount of planned budget unallocated across the project timescale. | No |
plannedValueCost | The amount of approved capital spend on a schedule portion of work on a project. Planned value cost is often used for Earned Value Management. | No |
postalCode | The postal code, post code, or zip code of a location. | No |
postPessimisticFinishDate | The calculated project post-response finish date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | Yes |
postPessimisticStartDate | The calculated project post-response start date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | Yes |
prePessimisticFinishDate | The calculated project pre-response finish date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | Yes |
prePessimisticStartDate | The calculated project pre-response start date that corresponds to the defined pessimistic percentile. | Yes |
profitabilityIndex | The index based on the value of a project's present values divided by initial project investments. | No |
projectCode | The unique identifier for a project set by the user who created the project. | No |
projectDefaultDurationType | The default project duration type. Values are: ‘Fixed Units/Time', ‘Fixed Duration and Units/Time', ‘Fixed Units', or ‘Fixed Duration and Units'. | No |
projectId | The unique identifier for the project. | No |
projectName | The name of the project. | No |
proposedBudget | The proposed budget of the project. | No |
proposedBudgetBaseDistributed | The amount of proposed budget currently allocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
proposedBudgetBasePresentValue | The present value, also known as discounted value of the portfolio proposed budget. Future cash flows are discounted using the project's annual discount rate. | Yes |
proposedBudgetBaseUndistributed | The amount of proposed budget unallocated across the project timescale. | Yes |
proposedFinishDate | The finish date for the proposed budget of the project. | Yes |
proposedForecastCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's proposed budget and forecast. | Yes |
proposedForecastVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's proposed budget and forecast. | Yes |
proposedPlannedCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's proposed budget and planned budget. | Yes |
proposedPlannedVar | The total and time phased variance between the project's proposed budget and planned budget. | Yes |
proposedStartDate | The start date for the proposed budget of the project. | Yes |
relationshipLagCalendar | The calendar used to calculate the lag between predecessors and successors for all activities. | No |
remainingCost | The remaining total cost for the project, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, and project expenses. | No |
remainingDuration | The duration between the project start and project finish. | No |
reportCycleId | The report cycle of the project. | No |
reportCycleNamingBoundary | Determines when period names will be rest. The options available are based on the selection for reporting cycle. The standard calendar start and end dates are used as boundaries for resetting periods. | No |
returnInvestment | The return on investment of the project. | No |
riskLevel | The risk level assigned to the project.You can use risk level to determine what projects should be included in your plans, as well as which projects should be of priority. | No |
riskMatrixId | The unique identifier of the risk matrik assigned to the project for calculating project risk scores. | No |
riskMatrixName | The name of the associated risk matrix. | Yes |
riskScore | The risk score value is based on the probability and impacts of a risk. It is derived from the probability impact matrix and any associated rules. | Yes |
schedPerfIndex | The schedule performance index of the project. | No |
scheduleCostVariance | The measure of schedule performance on a project. A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled. | No |
scheduledFinishDate | The calculated latest early finish date, which is based on the schedule most recently generated for the project. | Yes |
securityGuid | The security guid of the project.t | Yes |
sequenceNumber | The sequence number of the project. | No |
spendCost | Linking spends and forecast enables you to combine costs already incurred on a project with the project's predicted future costs effectively creating an at completion curve. Spends cannot be edited if a project has a status of proposal. | No |
spendEffectiveDate | The month in which a spend value was last added to the project. | Yes |
spendFinishDate | The finish date for the project spends. | No |
spendForecastCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's actuals and forecast. | Yes |
spendForecastVar | The total and time phased variance between the project's spends and forecast. | Yes |
spendPlannedCostVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's Actuals and Planned Budget. | Yes |
spendPlannedVariance | The total and time phased variance between the project's spends and planned budget. | Yes |
spendStartDate | The start date for the project spends. | No |
startDate | The date on which work on the project starts. | No |
startDateVariance | The duration between the project's start date and default snapshot. When the field value is generated through a P6 EPPM connection, then it represents the duration between the start date in the current project and the baseline start date. | Yes |
startToStartLagCalculationType | The method used to calculate lag when a start-to-start relationship exists and the predecessor starts out of sequence. | No |
stateCode | A unique identifier for the state or province. | No |
stateName | The state, region, or province of a location. | No |
status | The status of the project. | No |
strgyPriorityNum | The strategic priority of the project. | No |
useExpectedFinishDates | The option used for setting activity finish dates as the expected finish dates when scheduling projects. | No |
websiteUrl | The link to a website related to the project. | No |
workspaceId | The unique identifier of the workspace. | No |
yearEndForecastCost | Total forecast at the end of year actuals till date, with respect to the current year. | No |
ytdSpendCost | A measurement of capital spent on a project starting from the beginning of the year up to the present date. YTD Spends provide an overview of the total amount of spends accrued on a project over the current Period Year. | No |
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025