This is a Primavera Cloud field supported by the Integration app.
Description: An activity is a unit of work performed during the course of a project.
Primavera Cloud Field | Description | Read-Only |
activityCode | The project activity code assigned to the activity. | No |
activityId | The unique ID generated by the system. | No |
activityName | The name of the activity. | No |
activityPercentComplete | The percent of the activity that has been completed. The value is based on the formula for the selected percent complete type. The percent complete type can be Physical, Duration, or Units. | No |
activityPriority | Determines the priority of the activity when performing role leveling. | No |
activityStatus | Determines the status of the activity. Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. | No |
activityType | The type of activity. Valid values are Task Dependent, Resource Dependent, Level of Effort, Start Milestone, and Finish Milestone. | No |
activityWorkManagerTaskDateStatus | The activity task date status associated to the activity. | No |
activityWorkManagerTaskStatus | The activity task status associated to the activity. | No |
activityWorkManagerTaskStatusIndicator | The activity task indicator associated to the activity. | No |
actualDuration | The activity actual duration percent of planned. Computed as actual duration / BL duration * 100. The value can exceed 100. The BL duration is the activity's at completion duration from the project baseline. | No |
actualFinishDate | The date when the activity was completed. | No |
actualLaborCost | The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity (Project Currency) | Yes |
actualLaborCostProject |
| No |
actualLaborUnits | The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | No |
actualMaterialCost | The actual costs for all material resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
actualMaterialCostProject | The actual costs for all material resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
actualNonLaborCost | The actual costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity (Base Currency) | Yes |
actualNonLaborCostProject | The actual costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity in project currency | No |
actualNonLaborUnits | The number of nonlabor units that have been expended on the activity. | No |
actualStartDate | The date work on the activity began. | No |
actualThisPeriodLaborCost | ActualThisPeriodLaborCost | No |
actualThisPeriodMaterialCost | The material costs incurred during a financial period. | Yes |
actualThisPeriodNonLaborCost | The nonlabor costs incurred during a financial period. | Yes |
actualTotalCost | The actual total costs for all resource assignment and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
actualTotalCostProject | The actual total costs for all resource assignment and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in project currency. | Yes |
atCompletionBudgetLaborUnits | AtCompletionBudgetLaborUnits | Yes |
atCompletionDuration | The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date. | Yes |
atCompletionLaborCost | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all labor resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
atCompletionLaborCostProject | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all labor resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
atCompletionLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. It is the same as the planned labor units if the activity is not started, and the actual labor units after the activity is completed. | No |
atCompletionMaterialCost | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all material resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
atCompletionMaterialCostProject | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all material resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
atCompletionNonLaborCost | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
atCompletionNonLaborCostProject | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resource assignment on the activity in project currency. | No |
atCompletionNonLaborUnits | The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. It is the same as the planned nonlabor units if the activity is not started, and the actual nonlabor units once the activity is completed. | No |
atCompletionTotalCost | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
atCompletionTotalCostProject | The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in project currency. | No |
atCompletionVariance | The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. | Yes |
budgetAtCompletion | The planned total cost through activity completion. | Yes |
calendarCode | The unique code of the calendar. | Yes |
calendarId | The calendar assigned to the activity. | No |
calendarName | The name of the calendar. | Yes |
completedWeight | CompletedWeight | Yes |
constraintDate | The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint. | No |
constraintType | The main restriction impacting the activity start or finish date. | No |
costVarianceLaborUnits | CostVarianceLaborUnits | Yes |
critical | Designates an activity as critical. An activity is defined as critical based upon the project settings configured for the project. | Yes |
distributionShape | DistributionShape of the activity | No |
drivingPath | The sequence of project activities from start to finish where the total duration is longer than any other path. | Yes |
durationPercentComplete | The duration percent complete for the activity. Calculated as planned duration minus remaining duration divided by planned duration multiplied by 100. | No |
durationPercentOfPlanned | The actual duration percent of planned duration for the activity. Calculated as actual duration divided by BL duration multiplied by 100. | Yes |
durationType | Determines how remaining duration, units, and units/time are calculated when you update an activity that has resources assigned. The valid values are Fixed Units/Time, Fixed Units, Fixed Duration & Units, and Fixed Duration & Units/Time. | No |
earlyFinishDate | The earliest possible date the activity can finish. This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | No |
earlyStartDate | The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin. This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | No |
earnedValueCost | The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date. | Yes |
earnedValueLaborUnits | EarnedValueLaborUnits | No |
estimateAtCompletionCost | Calculated as ETC Cost plus Actual Cost to Date | Yes |
estimateToCompletionCost | Calculated as ETC Cost plus Actual Cost to Date | Yes |
existenceProbability | Signifies the probability that a particular activity occurs (exists) in a given project. For example, an activity that may or may not have to be done depending on the circumstances. | No |
expectedFinishDate | The date on which you anticipate work on the activity will finish. | No |
finishDate | The current finish date for the activity. | No |
freeFloat | The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity. | Yes |
isWorkPackage | Whether this WBS is a work package. | No |
laborUnitsCompletePercent | The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity. Calculated as actual labor units divided by at completion labor unit multiplied by 100. | Yes |
lateFinishDate | The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | No |
lateStartDate | The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | No |
locationId | The physical location associated with the activity. | No |
materialCostPercentComplete | MaterialCostPercentComplete | No |
maximumRemainingDuration | The maximum remaining duration of the activity. | Yes |
minimumRemainingDuration | The minimum remaining duration of the activity. | Yes |
monteCarloScenario - | The Risk Analysis scenario | Yes |
mostLikelyRemainingDuration | The most likely remaining duration of the activity. | Yes |
nonLaborUnitsCompletePercent | The percent complete of units for all nonlabor resources for the activity. Calculated as actual nonlabor units divided by at completion nonlabor unit multiplied by 100. | Yes |
ownerId | The user responsible for the activity. | No |
parentActivityId | The ID of the summary activity to which the activity belongs, if summary activities are used. | No |
percentCompleteType | The activity percent complete type: 'Physical','Duration','Units', or 'Scope'. | No |
percentCompleteWeightedBy | PercentCompleteWeightedBy of the activity | No |
physicalPercentComplete | The activity percent complete, manually entered by a user. | No |
plannedDuration | The expected amount of time required to complete an activity. The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date. | Yes |
plannedFinishDate | The date the activity is scheduled to finish. This date is computed by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. | No |
plannedLaborCost | The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in base currency. | Yes |
plannedLaborCostProject | The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in project currency. | No |
plannedLaborUnits | The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. | Yes |
plannedMaterialCost | The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in base currency. | Yes |
plannedMaterialCostProject | The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in project currency. | No |
plannedNonLaborCost | PlannedNonLaborCost | No |
plannedNonLaborCostProject | The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in project currency. | No |
plannedNonLaborUnits | The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project. | Yes |
plannedStartDate | The date the activity is scheduled to begin. This date is computed by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. | No |
plannedTotalCost | The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses) in base currency. | Yes |
plannedTotalCostProject | The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses) in project currency. | Yes |
plannedValueCost | PlannedValueCost | No |
postPessimisticFinishDate | The post pessimistic finish date for the activity. | Yes |
postPessimisticStartDate | The post pessimistic start date for the activity. | Yes |
postResponseCriticalityIndex | During the Post-Response risk analysis, tasks can join or leave the critical path. The criticality index expresses as a percentage, how often a particular task was on the critical path during the analysis. | Yes |
prePessimisticFinishDate | The pre pessimistic finish date for the activity. | Yes |
prePessimisticStartDate | The pre pessimistic start date for the activity. | Yes |
preResponseCriticalityIndex | During the Pre-Response risk analysis, tasks can join or leave the critical path. The criticality index expresses as a percentage, how often a particular task was on the critical path during the analysis. | Yes |
primaryResourceId | The user designated as the primary resource for the activity. | No |
projectCode | The short name of the associated project. | Yes |
projectId | The unique identifier of the project to which the activity was added. | No |
recordCount | The number of activities added to the project. | Yes |
remainingDuration | The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date. | No |
remainingFinishDate | The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish. If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project. | No |
remainingFloat | The amount of time remaining in which the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as late finish minus remaining finish. | Yes |
remainingLaborCost | The remaining cost for all labor resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
remainingLaborCostProject | The remaining cost for all labor resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
remainingLaborUnits | The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity. The remaining labor units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. | No |
remainingLateFinishDate | The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
remainingLateStartDate | The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date. This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationship, schedule constraints, and resource availability. | Yes |
remainingMaterialCost | The remaining cost for all material resource assignments on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
remainingMaterialCostProject | The remaining cost for all material resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
remainingNonLaborCost | RemainingNonLaborCost | No |
remainingNonLaborCostProject | The remaining cost for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity in project currency. | No |
remainingNonLaborUnits | The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. The remaining units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. | No |
remainingStartDate | The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin. This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start. | No |
remainingTotalCost | The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in base currency. | Yes |
remainingTotalCostProject | The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity in project currency. | Yes |
resumeDate | The date when a suspended task or activity is resumed. | No |
scheduleCostVariance | The measure of schedule performance on a project. | Yes |
schedulePercentComplete | The activity schedule percent complete, which specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration is complete so far. Calculated based on where the current data date falls relative to the activity's project baseline start and finish dates. | Yes |
schedulePerfIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the earned value of labor units to the planned value of labor units. Calculated as earned value units divided by planned value units. | Yes |
scheduleVarIndexLaborUnits | The ratio of the schedule variance labor units and the planned value labor units. Calculated as schedule variance labor units divided by planned value labor units. | Yes |
scopePercentComplete | The percentage completion of the scope items linked to the activity. It is calculated as the sum of the quantity completed weight for the scope items assigned to the activity divided by the total revised quantity for the scope items. | Yes |
secondaryConstraintDate | The date for the activity's secondary constraint, if the activity has a secondary constraint. | No |
secondaryConstraintType | The secondary restriction impacting the activity start or finish date. | No |
sequenceNumber | The number that specifies the position of the activity relative to others within the view. | No |
startDate | The current start date for the activity. | No |
suspendDate | The date work has temporarily stopped on a given activity. | No |
totalFloat | The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as late start minus early start of as late finish minus early finish. | Yes |
unitsPercentComplete | The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Calculated as actual units divided by at completion units multiplied by 100. | No |
varCost | VarCost | Yes |
wbsCode | The short code assigned to each WBS element for identification. Each WBS element is uniquely identified by concatenating its own code together with its parents' codes. | Yes |
wbsId | The WBS that the activity is associated with. | No |
wbsName | The name of the WBS element. | Yes |
wbsPath | The WBS path of the activity. | Yes |
weight | The importance of the activity in relation to other activities. | No |
workPackageCode | The unique code of the work package that the activity is associated with. | No |
workPackageId | The unique identifier for the work package that the activity is associated with. | No |
workPackageName | The name of the work package that the activity is associated with. | No |
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025