Manage Access Panel Overview
User access determines what objects a user has access to and to what extent. The Manage Access panel provides you with one location to manage direct user access and workspace user access to projects, portfolios, workspaces, ideas, and programs. In this panel, you can add user access to an object and also edit the permission sets for a user access. You must be an application administrator in order to access the Manage Access panel.
Understanding Access Type
The Manage Access panel provides a central location to view assignments for a user with either of two access types: User or Workspace. You can use the quick filter options to filter the Manage Access panel by a specific access type.
If an assignment has an access type of User, the user gained access to the object by being assigned to it directly.
If an assignment has an access type of Workspace, then the user gained access to the object indirectly through the user's assignment to the object's owning workspace. When the user was assigned to the owning workspace, a permission set for the object (project, portfolio, workspace, idea, or program) was defined, which gave the user access to all instances of that object in the workspace and all child workspaces. The owning workspace is the workspace that the object exists in.
For example, if a user is assigned to Workspace A with a Portfolios permission set defined, then the user will then gain access to all portfolios in the workspace that already exist or are added later. The portfolios will appear on the Portfolios tab of the Manage Access panel with an access type of Workspace and an owning workspace of Workspace A. The level of access that the user has to the portfolios will depend on the privileges in the Portfolios permission set.
Note: If a user has gained access to a project, portfolio, idea, or program through both a user access and a workspace assignment, the Access Type on the Manage Access panel will say User.
Last Published Wednesday, December 18, 2024