Resource Scenario Optimization Overview
The Resource Scenario Optimization tool enables portfolio managers to make optimal project selections for their portfolios by analyzing role availability and role demand or role allocation. The tool simulates the selection of different combinations of projects and suggests the optimal set of projects for inclusion in a resource planning scenario to realize the maximum portfolio value.
During the optimization process, the tool maximizes a primary objective value based on the weekly availability and demand or allocation values of the roles in your portfolio. For example, you may want to maximize the Evaluation Score of your portfolio without overallocating your assigned roles. Optionally, you can maximize or minimize a secondary objective value to further refine your optimization results. For example, you might select a primary objective which maximizes the Evaluation Score of your portfolio and a secondary objective that minimizes the Planned Duration value. The tool also enables you to constrain your optimization calculations by selecting planning horizon start and finish dates. Optimization is only run on dates within the horizon.
Resource scenario optimization selects projects that maximize your portfolio value without overallocating your roles. You can also run optimization with a specified percentage of acceptable overallocation. When this value is set, the optimization tool runs additional calculations using weekly role availability values increased by the specified overallocation percentage. The tool determines if there is a project selection scenario that increases your portfolio value given an increase in role availability. The increased values are used during optimization calculations, but do not overwrite the current role availability values. The results of this process may help you decide whether to hire additional roles to realize an increased portfolio value.
The optimal project selection with 0% role overallocation is plotted as a point in a chart, enabling you to view the total demand or total allocation units and the objective values for the selection. If you run optimization with an allowable percentage of role overallocation, an additional point is also plotted in the chart. Use the chart to compare selection results and determine the additional demand or allocation units necessary to realize the increased portfolio value.
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025