Add a Fund to a Portfolio
You can add funds with a Distribution Type value of Yearly (and only Yearly) to portfolios, where they can then be allocated to projects during the budget planning process.
After the fund is created, define allocation rules to make sure it is used on the right projects.
To add a fund to a portfolio:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio, and then select View Portfolios List.
- Select a portfolio name.
- From the Main Menu, select Cost and Funds, and then select Fund Sources.
- Select the Funds tab.
- On the Funds tab, select Add.
- In the new row, complete the following fields:
- Name: The name of the fund.
- ID: A unique ID for the fund.
- Total: The total amount of money in the fund.
- Complete the other fields as necessary.
Refer to Fund Sources Fields for information on each field.
- Select Save.
- To add and remove columns on this view, select Settings.
- You can allocate a time-phased fund for each period of its lifecycle on the Time Phase view.
- To choose which currency to view funds, go to Settings and select the Currency tab.
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025