Working With the Fund Sources Page
When you open a workspace or portfolio, you can access the Fund Sources page. Here you can add funds to the workspace or portfolio and define their properties, as you can with a project.
When you have a fund selected on the Fund Sources page, you can use the Allocation or Allocation Rules detail window to allocate portions of funds to child workspaces, projects, portfolios, or programs. You can then view the appropriated and consumed amounts as they roll up from their destinations in your fund sheet.
For example, say your company just received a special grant to be used exclusively on road building projects. Fortunately, you just so happen to have a workspace that contains all of your road building projects. In this case, all you have to do to distribute portions of the road building fund to your road building projects is add it to the road building workspace and then allocate parts of the fund to whichever projects in the workspace are to receive them. You can allocate any amount to each project. After that, you can indicate how much of each allocated fund in each project is appropriated and consumed.
To choose which currency to view funds, go to Settings and select the Currency tab.
The Funds Tab
In the Funds tab, you can manage all of the funds for the workspace or portfolio you are in. The Funds tab is where you add funds to the workspace or portfolio, allocate funds to projects, child workspaces, portfolios, or programs, and determine how much of each fund is appropriated or consumed.
In the Funds tab, two additional views are available for workspaces:
- Status View: The Status view shows all funds available to the open workspace and lets you work with their general settings. This is the view to use if you want to quickly set up a fund, view all funds available to the workspace, or quickly edit fund properties.
- Time Phase View: The Time Phase view lets you work with funds over time. When you create a fund in a workspace, you can use the Distribution Type field to specify when portions of the fund are distributed. If you choose one of the time-phased options—monthly, quarterly, or yearly—then you can specify how much money from the fund can be used each time period in the Time Phase view.
Note: If you want to distribute a time-phased fund fund on the Time Phase view, make sure the Timescale Interval setting matches the Distribution Type value of the fund. You can change the Timescale Interval on the Settings page, in the Timescale tab.
The Fund Totals Tab
The Fund Totals tab shows totals for all of the funds that exist in the workspace or portfolio. In workspaces, this includes child workspaces, projects, and programs. In portfolios, this includes projects that have been allocated funds through the portfolios.
For example, say you have a workspace that contains a project, and say this project contains two funds. If you open the workspace on the Fund Sources page, and then open the Fund Totals tab, you will see one row for the project. The Total field for this row will show the total of the two funds in the project.
Now let's say you also have a fund in the workspace itself. If you allocate a portion of this fund to the project, then this allocated portion will be reflected in the project's Total field in the Fund Totals tab.
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025