Monitor a Strategy

Monitor the performance of your organization's strategies. Drill into the aligned measures to review which strategies are not performing well. Review target and actual values and measure trends for the strategy. You can customize the view of this page to display the information about your strategies that is most important to your organization. Use the Flat View to display the strategies hierarchy in a table. Use the Hierarchical View to visually display the hierarchy in a tree diagram.

Note: Not all measures created in a given workspace are applicable to every strategy. The measure must be assigned to the strategy to view the data.

To monitor strategies:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspace, select View Workspaces List, and then select a workspace name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Strategic Alignment, and then select Strategy Scorecard.
  3. In the Flat View:
    • Add measure columns to the table.
    • To display measure values, indicators, or both, select the Show menu, and select an option.
    • To view the trend of a given measure for a given strategy, select the measure value.
      • Use the dialog box to view Target and Actual values of the measure in different time buckets in the grid and also their trends over time in the form of a line chart. The timescale displayed on the dialog is the same as the tracking frequency of the measure.
      • Select Measures Definition to view the expressions defined for the measure, including any applicable thresholds.
  4. In the Hierarchical View:
    1. Select Settings to modify the strategy tree display.
      • In the General section, choose to display the hierarchy of strategies for a specific node. This can also be performed directly from the Hierarchical View.
      • In the Strategy Tree Tiles section, show measure values and indicators, toggle the display of colored strategy tiles and a strategy type legend, enable sparklines for each measure, and choose to highlight high and low sparkline points.
    2. Select Select Measure in a tile to configure strategy tile measure settings.
      • In the dialog box, select a measure associated with the strategy to show on the strategy tile.
      • View Target and Actual values of the selected measure in different time buckets in the grid and also their trends over time in the form of a line chart. The timescale displayed on the dialog is the same as the tracking frequency of the measure.
      • Select Measures Definition to view the expressions defined for the measure, including any applicable thresholds.
    3. Hover over a tile to view strategy name and measure information.
